Friday, June 15, 2012

The idiocy of Obama's military "Gay Pride" month.

Look, I'll be honest with you: were it up to me, I would get rid of homosexuals in the military.

Like illegal aliens here in the United States, they both entered under false pretenses and lied repeatedly to be what they are: a drain on our country.

Yeah, yeah, I know "they've always served,"  But *I* didn't need to know about it, and like other rights we agree to suspend as a condition of enlistment, homosexuals need to weigh their desire to hook up in the target-rich environment of the military with the requirement that they keep it zipped.

Since there is ZERO constitutional right to serve, that's the way this issue needs to be framed.

Our PC Commander in Chief who so desperately wants to be re-elected that he doesn't give a damn how much blood is spilled as a result, runs a military that for some reason has forgotten itself.

The only source of pride in the service should be that you're actually IN the service.

Your color should not matter.

Your plumbing should not matter.

Who you're boinking should not matter.

And yet, in this era of faux equality, it DOES matter... it matters a lot.

In the military today, Women get a "pride month."

Each race, save for Caucasian, gets a "pride month."

And now, if you screw somebody of the same sex, guess what?

YOU get a "pride month" as well!  Imagine; if you're a hispanic female lesbian, you'll have your own "month" for a fourth of the entire year!

Clearly, it's a bunch of non-serving morons who think this is a good idea... who either don't know... or more likely, don't care... that this crap reduces our capabilities and morale and effectiveness.

Troops will leave the military over this; far more then will remain as a result of open, practicing homosexuality in the military, while gay coat-holders like Jim Moeller and Ed Murray and so forth stay home, safe and sound while others do the dying for them.

There are precisely and only 2 colors that matter in the military: the color of our uniform... and the color of our blood that we spill in defense of this Nation..

Those things are, or should be, the ONLY source of pride that a member of the Armed Forces of the United States should need.

You cannot and will not get unity and equality by institutionally emphasizing our differences, when our commonalities are the only thing that matter.

And some will bleed because of this, unnecessarily.

And others will be killed because of this, unnecessarily.

And those who rammed this garbage down our throats and up our nether regions will be long gone, deflecting responsibility for their actions that caused us to get killed.

Increasing costs, reducing capabilities, increasing tension, attacking unit cohesion and morale, turning the military into the latest leftist cocktail circuit experiment where those demanding these changes resemble the same clowns demanding the idiotic bridge replacement/loot rail scam:  it's costs they force on others, but won't have to pay themselves.... simply won't do.  And increasing numbers of parents will join with me in urging their children to stay out of the military until sanity returns and the last vestiges of Obama's destructive policies are wiped from the regulations.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Well played. Well played.
    I was just thinking about this today. For a military that stresses our equality among troops, no matter what race, gender, age, or sex you are, we sure celebrate those that are different a lot. I do believe that the only reason this was "supported" (*wink*) was because its election year, and he needs all the votes he can get.


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