Saturday, June 16, 2012

The democratian delusion.

Today's episode, "That peeing on our legs really isn't raining."
Well, the answer is pretty obvious. When you don't have your feet firmly planted in either ideology, you're free to move in and out of liberal and conservative viewpoints.
And when you're lying slime, it's either deliberate... or delusional.

The irony here is screaming.

Yes, the democratian has done a few columns that concern their tax burden.  They recently did a campaign piece editorial for Boldt, pointing out that he actually took a Republican vote and seemed to discover that Tom MIelke actually exists.  They rarely make note of the multiples of fringe-left votes he's taken, Boldt's lockstep support with their agenda and his fellow leftists. But these same people routinely attack and belittle everyone on the right who opposes them, while giving everyone on the left a complete pass.

So, while, on one hand, Brancaccio and his gang STOMP on the "conservative viewpoint," they only tiptoe on the leftist one, where their view of big government, silencing the people, attacking those on the right who oppose them... endorsing democrats and then whining about what they do... giving those like Jim Jacks a complete pass on their misconduct... on the other, Lou keeps trying to convince us... or is it himself?  That he really ISN'T a fringe left nut.  But his words, in totality, prove something quite different.

So, there you have it.  And to show it, let's play a little game called "who will the democratian endorse?


They're going to go with Boldt and Tanner all the way.  Boldt carries their water like they're paying him, and back when he was an actual Republican, that fringe-left blithering idiot Koeninnger even went so far as to publically demand Boldt's resignation.... not when he sold us out on the Mariner stadium vote, but when he worked to cut the Gorge Commission budget.  Since he's become a commissioner, however, Marc's become a good little democrat, dutifully responding to the downtown mafia that owns him so he can nfocus on getting re-elected and fully vesting in his humonghous state employee pension.

And because this rag hates Mielke second only to Benton, they'll throw him under the bus like any of their past bogus "Well, we need 'balance'" scams never happened.


Their options are kind of limited, except, of course, they will not endorse anyone opposed to the bridge or light rail or tolls who actually MEANS it (Unlike Mayor Leave-it.) in any competative race.

That means they'll only endorse democrats in the 49th, because those leftists will slavishly follow the democratian's agenda since, after all, the will of the people has nothing to do with either the democratian conclusions or the democrats concerns... just ask Jim "The Candy Man" Moeller, who foisted that moronic "what is and what isn't" candy tax on us that was crushed everywhere (Even in his home district) and who has felt compelled to sue the people of this state because we cramp his tax-raising style.

Of the remainder, only one democrat is competitive: Probst.  But then, even that took a quarter million of funds guaranteed, but that won't be delivered (You'd think Probst would have been smarter then that.)

This paper hates Don Bention with a passion because he not only won't kiss their ring, he won't kiss their ass, either.  These morons endorsed his last opponent, even though THAT guy didn't even live in Clark County, let alone the 17th District. The rag hates the idea that the GOP might take the senate, likely cutting off the waste that is the CRC, and they will do anything they can to stop that.

The problem the left has is that the rest of their candidates are throw-away speed bumps.

The Columbian's nightmare?

That we wake up to discover the day after the election that Clark County, which will have 15 legislators, will be represented by 12 Republicans.

The reality is that there's damned little they can do about it... but that won't stop them from trying.
"When someone is losing a discussion on an issue, very few folks have the courage to admit it.
"Instead, they do what you have done. Sort of like the playground loudmouth. He figures, maybe if he shouts loud enough, he'll win. Maybe if he begins to name call, he'll win.
"I get it. I do. Such is life."
I've got two words for you:

John Laird.

For the editor to continue to employ a dillwad like Laird, who's entire meme is what he believes to be his clever name calling... after printing THIS crock? 

Does that mean that, as a result, YOUR playground loudmouth, Laird, is losing the discussion on the issues?

Why do you whine about "playground" stuff when you've got a staff moron who specializes in the science?

Is it because he NEVER attacks anyone on the left?

This clown can't DO a column concerning the massive opposition to the democratian agenda, or David Madore... or any number of others to the right of Mao without engaging in this very thing.

For Brancaccio to print this tripe in the face of his own pit yorkie babbling that very same way?
Well, between the two issues, it's either a lie... or deliberate delusion.

I've really got to wonder: does Brancaccio even bother to read Laird?  Because if he did, I know a place he could firmly plant his foot.


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Hey Kelly, I thought Scott Campbell was John Laird's direct supervisor, NOT bumbling Lou Brancaccio. From what I heard from the past, there is a separation between the two departments and only Scott is the head of horse?
    Or am I wrong? -- Jeremy

  2. I understand that, as editor, everyone works for and answers to Brancaccio, and Brancaccio answers to Scott.

    Brancaccio for example, fired "non-partisan" Editorial Page Editor Mike Heywood for watching porn on his work computer at the Columbian.

    You remember, that "non-partisan" editorial page editor that's now a confirmed porn aficionado, 49th district democrat chair and editor of the democrat newsletter? That guy?

  3. Anonymous2:04 PM

    *Chuckles* Yes, Kelly, I know who he is. The guy is in my legislative district as Lew is, so yes, I do know him. And I know of your past comments about him. being an interested party in the dabbled arts of failed mental imagery at work.

    But to think he can do a better WEBSITE and newsletter (to your comment about him being the newsletter editor) than the CCGOP? ;-P And to be the head of the Dems in my district, someone must have failed to want to take the job or someone got a huge payback - glad hand for carrying the mantra for the newspaper for how many years.

    And for D. Michael Heywood to not KNOW that his company IT department can't watch every thing he was doing? Now I understand why he leads the 49th LD Dems..... Anyone smarter would have gone moved to a different district....


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