Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why are democrats and a pro-gay marriage "Republican" funding Liz Pike's campaign? And why is she taking their money?

Born again conservative Liz Pike has a problem: she's not.

Conservative, that is.

Among others funding so-called "conservative" Pike's campaign are such democrat luminaries as DEMOCRAT pro-bridge, pro-toll, pro CRC scammer County Commissioner Steve Stuart... notorious liar DEMOCRAT Mayor Tim Leavitt, DEMOCRAT former County Commissioner Betty Sue Morris and suddenly Pro Gay Marriage "I'll say or do anything, WHAT principle?" Attorney General Candidate Reagan Dunn.

Which begs the issue:  If Pike is such a great "Conservative," then why are these people giving her money?

If she's opposed to the CRC/Bridge/Light Rail/Toll scam, then why are they financing her?

And if she's such a "conservative," then why is she TAKING their money... and that of many others who are neither conservative nor opposed to the things the people of this district are opposed to.

That's because Liz Pike is, apparently, a RINO.

And it appears she'd sell out to anyone to get elected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you know the answer. Building Industry Association and past endorsements.