Friday, May 04, 2012

More proof of Marc Boldt's "democrat problem."

Was cruising around the Reflector this evening and I stumbled across this nonsense... a letter that perfectly reflects Boldt's problem.  
Posted: Wednesday, May 2, 2012 9:00 am
I admit that it has been awhile since I took a constitutional law class, but as I recall, our nation was founded by the people, of the people and for the people. That may not be exact, but it was with that belief that I was disappointed to see your recent article about the State Republican Party reprimanding commissioner Marc Boldt. Since when does a non elected group of people have the right to dictate the votes of our elected officials? Mr. Bolt[sic] was elected to, and I totally support, use his best judgement to represent the people that elected him. This may explain why Joe Zarelli hasn’t had to think for himself these last few years. Someone is telling him how to vote.
We should have more people like Marc Boldt who are willing to take facts into account before they make up their mind as to what is best for the people. I have not always agreed with Mr. Boldt, but that isn’t the point. He is a thoughtful and concerned commissioner who is able to work “across the aisle” to do what they think is best for the community. Not the political agenda of a party.
George Hamilton
Battle Ground
How does this illustrate Boldt's problem?


Hamilton is an identified.... democrat.
Hamilton George: Democrat
Patriotic gifts just for George Phone 360-26.-.... Battle Ground, WA 98604 George Hamilton, area story

George Hamilton, ...NE Valley View Ln

And because he's such a fringe-left nutter, his support of Boldt goes to the heart of the problem:

His letter babbles that "Bolt" (Who this democrat obviously agrees with) is  "use(ing) his best judgement to represent the people that elected him."

Besides the lie of that statement (Since the people who actually elected him don't want him to endorse democrats OR to support the massive CRC rip off), uber-partisan Hamilton goes on to babble:
"This may explain why Joe Zarelli hasn’t had to think for himself these last few years. Someone is telling him how to vote."
So, when Hamilton AGREES with a so-called Republican, that "Republican" is "using his best judgement."

When he DISAGREES with a Republican, that Republican "hasn't had to think for himself these last few years."

Clearly, to be a democrat is to be a complete, blithering, idiot.

That said, the more democrats spew this tripe, the worse it is for Marc.

That so many democrats agree with Boldt while his own party DISAGREES with him is the heart of the matter.  And, in reality, what's going on between the GOP and Boldt is really none of Hamilton's... or anyone else's, for that matter, business.


  1. For all of their cries defending Boldt and saying we need more people "willing to reach across the aisle," makes me wonder why they get so upset and angry when a Democrat reaches across to the Republicans, as did Kastama, Sheldon and Tom as they crossed over to stop the heavy handed Democrat budget farce this session.

    I don't seem to recall too many Democrats congratulating either one of them and saying we needed more like them.

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Funny that you should ignore another letter written at the same time by conservative Republicans, Kelly.

    Greg Owens

    (I'm still gonna sign my name, even though you are too cowardly to continue posting my comments)

  3. What is the break-down in the Battle Ground area -- is it still largely Republican?


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