Sunday, May 06, 2012

ANOTHER proof of liberal ignorance: The evidence shows you're more poorly informed and less tolerant.

One of the problems I've discovered with MOST of the liberal bent is their remarkable ignorance... now, again, quantified by recognized research:

Article by: KATHERINE KERSTEN , Star Tribune Updated: May 5, 2012 - 5:04 PM

The evidence shows you're more poorly informed and less tolerant.

Delegate of the 2008 Democrat National Convention
We've got a vivid picture of the Republicans and conservatives in our midst. They're a sour, dour lot -- close-minded, tight-fisted and intolerant. Some are businesspeople, greedy and self-interested. Others are rednecks, poorly informed, clinging to their guns and religion.

If only these folks understood political issues better and cared more about their fellow man, they'd be liberals, right?

Think again. A growing body of research is shattering this conventional wisdom.

Survey data make clear that Republicans, on average, are better informed than Democrats about political issues. Data from the American National Election Study has confirmed this over the years, and an April 2012 Pew Research Center survey -- "What the Public Knows about the Political Parties" -- is the latest to document it.

On eight of the survey's 13 questions about politics, Republicans outperformed Democrats by an average of 18 percentage points. "Republicans fare substantially better than Democrats on several questions in the survey, as is typically the case in surveys about political knowledge," according to the study.

The widest gap -- 30 points -- came on a question about which political party is "generally more supportive of reducing the size of federal government." Seventy-six percent of Republicans, but only 46 percent of Democrats, correctly named the GOP.

Republicans even know more about Democratic leaders: 75 percent of Republicans identified Nancy Pelosi as a Democrat, vs. 59 percent of Democrats. And while 73 percent of Republicans knew Franklin Roosevelt was a Democrat, only 58 percent of Democrats did.

But surely liberals, widely praised for tolerance, are more open-minded than conservatives toward people with different views? Who

A March 2012 Pew report, entitled "Social Networking Sites and Politics," found that 28 percent of liberals have "blocked, unfriended or hidden someone" on social-networking sites because of their political postings, compared with 16 percent of conservatives.

Come to think of it, that shouldn't surprise anyone who's spent time on a college campus. We're used to hearing that left-wing students have shouted down a conservative speaker. But when did you last hear about conservative students silencing a liberal speaker

This, of course, goes to the heart of the matter.

In some instances, the ignorance is deliberate, as is the bias that comes with it.

One need look no farther then our own Daily Democratian, and the leftist hacks who run it and report on it, where there isn't even the pretense of fairness or tolerance.

Like many of the far left, they print through a filter of hatred.  They use their bully pulpit to assault those they disagree with and to extol those they support.

What's missing in their constant cacophony?

Facts.  And even the remotest concern over their lack of facts.

The Columbian has, to the best of my knowledge, never reported on the Oregon Supreme Court finding that the entirety of the CRC is the largest rip-off known to Man by virtue of the fact that the Leavitts and Stuarts of the world have been suckered and played like a violin.


Because the "Inconvenient Truths" of the CRC scam frequently don't make it into the fishwrapper... particularly this one.

So the paper's failure to report the truth of the entire scam points to the kind of ignorance the studies have discovered among the liberals... but in this case, it's of the deliberate, self-inflicted variety... directly earning the sobriquet: the Hyenas of Inkville.

Clearly, then the conclusion that may be drawn from this?

The more one knows about the government and political reality... the more one is likely to be conservative.

For me, the classic definitions of "Liberal versus Conservative," such as   "If you are young and not liberal, then you have no heart; but if you are old and not conservative, then you have no brain," seem to apply here:

But taking it a step further, it seems that knowledge is what truly separates the left from the right.

And the more you know AND ACKNOWLEDGE (The Columbian, for example, is well aware that the more informed people become about the CRC scam, the more they oppose it... although they, collectively, would dive into a vat of boiling pitch before they'd ever admit it) the studies seem to show... the more likely you are to be more conservative.

Staunch fringe-leftists like Brancaccio and Laird compound their crime of ignorance by, apparently, either being too stupid to see it... or to unethical to admit it.

Either way, their mere presence around a keyboard damages this community and it will for decades to come, even long after they're both gone to the Shopper's Weekly they deserve to be working for.

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