Friday, May 04, 2012

Jaime brings Boehner to town... no time for town halls, but get your check book ready!

Readers of any length know the contempt I have for our non-functioning congresswoman... the one who talks a great game but who can't even get a bill passed in the Republican-controlled House.... and who wants you to actually believe she gives a damn about shafting us with tolls and loot rail (She doesn't.)

She also has a rightly-earned phobia against meeting people like me.  That is, if you don't worship the ground she walks on... or you don't bring your checkbook... well, guess what?

No meeting.

This woman s a disgrace to Congress because I believe she lives in fear.  In this case, the fear of her own constituency overrides her duty to make herself available for her constituents to, well, confront.

Pre-screened?  Likely donor?  Bring your check book?

Unlimited access.

Disagree with her?  Get dissed in public.  I know I did.

So, because it's time to collect, she brings Mr. Speaker around to be her bag man.  "Pay up, sucka's" should be tattooed on his hand, kinda like the rather notorious bike-builder and playa, Jesse James has on his hand.

(Don't misunderstand me: the democrat Senators are the same way, and no doubt Sen. Harry (We've already lost the war, so no surge) Reid is likely the same way.

Herrera, best known for being endorsed by Romney fror her re-election as part of the price McMorris demanded (Well, that and getting her brother a job running this state's campaign... and how's that worked out for us considering how Paul's people will likely take this state?) after Herrera twice voting to raise the debt ceiling while Romney beat the hell out of Santorum with campaign ads for doing the exact same thing (Nothing like a little situational ethics from our faux-conservative-when-I-wannabe, just-don't-pay-too-much-attention-to- my-tenure-as-governor-of-Massachusetts, likely-presidential-candidate) and serving a 3 year tenure in the House of Representatives where she accomplished absolutely nothing while she was gone most of the time campaigning for Congress... and having her seatmate vote for her while she was gone so SHE "wouldn't have missed votes."

So, she has time to hold her carefully orchestrated "coffees," and her carefully screened meetings... unless, of course, as I said... you bring your checkbook.  In which case.. no "screening is required."  

When I look at other members of Congress who don't seem to be terrified by their own people, I ask myself: how did we get dumped with this gutless wonder.

Crossposted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

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