Friday, May 04, 2012

Brown leaves and Moeller snivels; Columbian forgets additional 6 legislators representing Clark County.

In yet another of the thousands of signs that the Columbian sees only what they want to see, they served up yet another editorial today that was at least in part factually incorrect.

The anonymous writer (I still find that odd, given the rag's bogus phobia over "anonymous" letter writers and the nonsensical requirement that Facebook users "use their real name" when many who post there every day... and Jon Russell, for that matter, have and are using fake Facebook accounts on the Columbian web site... EVERY DAY.) of today's incompetence writes this:

In the 17th Legislative District, Democratic state Rep. Tim Probst is challenging incumbent Republican State Sen. Don Benton.
Meaningless play on the seniority front; Probst loses and he had no real seniority or position in the House... he won't be missed.
In the 18th, Republican state Rep. Ed Orcutt was moved out of the district by the decennial redistricting process.
And is the odd's on favorite to pick up Gary Anderson's seat in the 20th... a seat that will STILL "represent at least a portion of Clark County" meaning that Orcutt's departure is also meaningless on the seniority front.
In the 49th, Democratic state Sen. Craig Pridemore is leaving that seat to run for state auditor.
And how is that a loss?  Pridemore has no more chance to get this job then he did to get a congressional seat, and you'll just be cycling one fringe-leftist nutberger out for another.  Pridemore leaving won't be missed.

And then there's the 15th District, which replaces the 14th in redistricting, all seats held by the GOP.

Why the fishwrapper continues to ignore or forget about the fact that, on January 1, or whenever redistricting kicks in, Clark County will have FIFTEEN legislators (15, 17, 18, 20, 49th districts... Likely 12 of them Republican....) isn't really a mystery to me:  incompetence is a major part of any bankruptcy.

But that 6 representatives were ignored... and the newspaper acted like Orcutt, who was only redistricted out of one district that represents Clark County into ANOTHER district that represents Clark County would n longer represent us is the kind of lack of competence our daily democrat is known for.

And then this nonsense from Neo-Communist representative Jim Moeller (Socialist - Soviet of Vancouver) as a result:.

Jim Moeller · Top Commenter
"On the other hand, Clark County could gain clout when it comes to legislative leadership. State Sen. Joe Zarelli, R-Ridgefield,... Zarelli has perfected smooth and collaborative aisle-crossing skills and works reasonably well with Democrats. With Brown, the Senate majority leader, retired, Zarelli’s stature no doubt will grow." So is this the kind of "clout" we want? More cuts to education? More cuts to the social safety net? Eliminate Washington Basic Health, Eliminate Disability Lifeline medical? More cuts to workers benefits? Unwillingness to address tax fairness with taxpayers, with Oregonians! Unwillingness to address the regressive nature of our tax system were those that an least afford it, pay the most. I like Joe personally, but his politics stink!
Reply · Like · 49 seconds ago

  • "So is this the kind of "clout" we want?"

    Well, yeah... although a great deal of the time, I wish Zarelli would cut a great deal more than he has.

    "More cuts to education?"

    Yup.  A nice, big, fat 25% pay cut for teachers... decertification of the thugs at the WEA.... Charter schools... Sounds ideal to me.

    "More cuts to the social safety net?"

    Absolutely.  Any efforts to eliminate the illegal alien expenses, the scammers ripping us off on welfare, reducing the unemployment vacation that communists like you and Obama love so much.  Sounds like a GREAT plan.

    "Eliminate Washington Basic Health, Eliminate Disability Lifeline medical?"

    Of course.  Here's a clue, moron: OUR ECONOMY SUCKS.  Your efforts at stuffing millions into the CRC SHOULD have been better directed by funding these precious programs that YOU want, Moeller.  How come you put the bridge/loot rail rip off ahead of these precious programs of yours?

    So, if you want to ferret out those responsible for slashing your precious social service scams and your health care rip offs, go find a mirror, if you can stomach the sight.

    "More cuts to workers benefits?"

    As long as they're union slime?  YOU BET.  Get rid of collective bargaining and cut their pay the same 25%.  Sounds PERFECT!

    "Unwillingness to address tax fairness with taxpayers, with Oregonians!"

    I suppose it's kind of like YOUR unwillingness to "address" reality.  Or your IDIOTIC candy tax, or your MORONIC efforts to get rid of the Oregon tax exemption... and your spastic lawsuit to throw out an initiative that limits your ability to rip us off even MORE... a suit your communist side HAS ALREADY LOST, ONCE.

    "Unwillingness to address the regressive nature of our tax system were those that an least afford it, pay the most."

    Really?  never mind that those who PAY the least also USE THESE SAME SERVICES THE MOST.

    See, in the leftist, regressive, socialist income redistribution fantasy you live in, you believe YOU shouldn't have to pay anything when you're ripping us off.  For example, you getting per diem when you were wasting our money by not even being in Olympia... because you regular job pay hadn't kicked in like the fact that you, apparently, can't plan or save with your OWN finances allows you to rip us off as a result.

    And why are you engaging in rather cowardly code speak for a state INCOME TAX?  Does the vote mean ANYTHING to you?

    Your sort had your shot at the polls last cycle when you put together a campaign of lies and class warfare to achieve a "camel's nose under the tent flap" approach to starting a state income tax for those who actually HAVE money.

    And how did THAT work out for you?  And since that nonsense was slaughtered at the polls, how come that result doesn't make any difference to you leftists?

    "I like Joe personally, but his politics stink!"

    That's OK, Moeller.  I can't stand you personally and YOU suck... as do the fringe leftist politics you represent.  Rank, leftist, hypocrisy and double standard.

    The next two years could be very, very long for you.

    Have you considered resigning in protest?  Seriously?


    1. Yes, The Columbian hides behind "anonymity". That's because Lefties are always world-class hypocrites, and of course, The Columbian is a collection of Leftist morons.

      Also note that The Columbian has just as many sockpuppets as they did before the Facebook "move", and that the "move" allowed them to weed out the real voices of the community who disagree with The Columbian.

      That was the whole purpose behind the Facebook "move".

    2. Wow, Moeller was the very LACK OF GRACIOUSNESS when describing Zarelli.

      I'm a Liberal, and a Democrat, but their constant focus on Public Employees (at the expense of private employees) is execrable. I've come to the conclusion that Progressives/Marxists see Public Employees as the ideal - that everyone should work for (or be supported by) The State.


    If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

    No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
