Tuesday, May 08, 2012

More Obama cowardice: Cancels trip to N.C. on day of same-sex marriage vote.

Obama reeks of cowardice; morally and ethically.  And the stench of it impacts us all.

I have zero respect for the man.  None (Stunning many of you who read this, I'm sure.)

But it's not for the knee-jerk reasons the left would have you believe:  That I'm some sort of red-neck gun-clinger who hates him because he's half-black.

It's not even because many of his thoughts and ideas would make Mao blush.

It's because my oldest Cavalier Spaniel has more principle, ethics and integrity in his right-front paw then the Empty Suit has in his entire existence... and I didn't mention that because Berry ate one of his cousins.

The President of the United States is a coward.

Even Jimmy Carter, arguably the worst president of the last century, isn't a coward... he was just stupid, gullible and inept.  But I don't recall the man running away from his principles.

Obama's disastrous tenure has shown little else.  Broken promises on everything from closing Gitmo to his moronic position on gays.

I am opposed to special rights for gays.  I am opposed to special rights for criminals.  I am opposed to special rights for illegal aliens.  I am opposed to special rights based on race or gender or any of the many other sexual proclivities.  And I am consistent in that opposition.

Obama, on the other hand, wants to be able to wave his magic wand and give special rights to everyone who can even understand what a ballot is... including illegals... and cast those increasingly worthless ballots for him.

Except for gays.

Here, his miniature testicles practically disappear... much like when the Klingon Princess is around, I'm sure... and he won't pull the trigger on what we all know to be the case:  He would allow people to marry orangutans if it would get him votes... but he would be terrified to admit it because to tell the truth would galvanize a segment of his opposition.

So, what the opposition needs to do is to define Obama on the subject.  Start making the claim that the lying punk's "evolving" position on gays has ALWAYS been his position on gays, and don't LET him run away from it.

Point out both the position... and his fear in "coming out of the closet" on that position.

Paint him as the coward he is.

The rest of the world has.

The Weekly Standard

The Blog

White House Punts on Same Sex Marriage—Again

Cancels trip to N.C. on day of vote.

1:04 PM, May 8, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER
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ite House spokesman Jay Carney was asked aboard Air Force One aboutPresident Obama's position on same sex marriage. He punted. Again. From today's pool report:
On whether the White House feels the need to clarify the president's gay marriage stance, Carney said he had no updates. He said he's sure POTUS will be asked about the topic in future interviews and press conferences and will discuss his views then.
As the Washington Post reports, Carney had the same problem yesterday, when reporters ask about the president's position on same sex marriage:
Carney tried to parry the same-sex-marriage questions, gamely at first and then testily as reporters began to laugh at his answers. He grew uncharacteristically flustered. When an unrelated question came about whether Obama would support the reelection of scandal-plagued Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.), Carney answered: “I mean — well, yes, sure. I just don’t — I haven’t — I haven’t been asked it before so I. . . . The president — I’ll have to — I’ll have to get back to you.”
The president is currently against same sex marriage, though he's claimed to be "evolving" on the position.
And the White House canceled its planned North Carolina trip, which coincided with the ballot initiative there to ban same sex marriage. The News Observer reports:
President Barack Obama was scheduled, albeit briefly, to visit North Carolina on Election Day to make an speech in Asheville about the economy.


  1. CNN, Politico and the Washington Post are all reporting the amendment to ban homosexual marriage passed.

    One newspaper was saying it was passing by a 60% to 40% margin.

    Opponents to the ban were better funded, but after losing, again (no state has approved homosexual marriage by a vote of the people), they cry their funds came too late.


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