Monday, May 07, 2012

Gotta wonder: why did Boldt take down his endorsements from the 2008 election?

(Full disclosure: Marc Boldt is my Brother-in-law and I worked for him for 6 years as his legislative assistant.)

Laird, the Chief Hyena of Inkville, got typically moronic with his lies yesterday, but it got me to thinking:

Laird was all about checking out the local GOP web site.

Well, fair's, fair.  Wonder what, if anything, is going on with Marc Boldt's site.

I mean, now that the rag seems to have gotten over their efforts to force Boldt to resign from the legislature back when he used to be a Republican conservative (THAT guy has long since disappeared) and because he now represents the paper's agenda instead of that of the people of this county, I had to wonder if Laird was so damned interested in the GOP's web site... did he bother to look at Boldt's?

Apparently not.

Because when you go over to Boldt's web site, which he really hasn't updated since his last run in 2008 guess what?


Click on the link:

Now... why do you suppose that is?

Could it be that it used to look like THIS?  Big local democrats wanting one of their own.

Gotta wonder why, on these issues, I have to be doing Laird's job.  Now, of course, the endorsement link just goes to his title page.

The likelihood is that Laird KNEW Marc lacked the guts to keep those endorsements up... but now that he's their boy, well, we're not going to be fair, or unbiased, or just... we'll just lie by omission...

Like we always do.

So, there's the real story, Laird.  Not your bogus effort to rehab his tarnished political image.

And that's why you and the rag you work for are such damaging influences in this community.  You, Brancaccio, Rice... you all lie and you do it with impunity.

And here, Brancaccio lied to us yet again just this past weekend:  "But he made an honest living at an honest job," referring to a retiring reporter.

To which I say: not if he worked for you, he didn't.

So, here's the deal.  The local GOP became sick of Marc's multiple votes to raise our taxes and fees; his obvious violations of the law concerning his voting to get his wife taxpayer money; his vote to allow CTran to gerrymander their tax district to cut out tens of thousands of us from voting... but not from paying their taxes... and, my PERSONAL favorite, his vote to confiscate our weapons in the event these clowns declare an emergency.

Laird, of course, doesn't give a damn about any of that.  he only cares about keeping people around who support his worldview... and he cares about that enough to lie about who Marc has really been representing for the past several years... proven by those... on the left... who have endorsed Marc and want him to stay around.

Not because he's some great politician... but because he does what THEY want.

If you think for one second that the rag and the democrats would be going through all this Dreck if Marc really WERE a Republican... or anything close to it... you've got a screw lose.

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