Sunday, May 06, 2012

The Greg Owens Follies continue.

Ever since I helped crush Greg Owen's dream of raping the people of Clark County so he could get the Yakima Millionaires a ballpark by ripping us off without asking, he's engaged in complete political Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

No matter the issue, when the name of the only Republican county commissioner,Tom Mielke, is mentioned anywhere in the Daily Democrat, Owens is going to be there, sniveling.  Of course, he didn't seem to do that BEFORE Mielke exhibited common sense and came out swinging against Greg's idiocy... So, even though Boldt, who in Boldt's mind has to cave to Stuart all the time in order to "get anything done," buried the shiv I designed in Greg's L4 by voting "no," he gets a pass from Owens.

Joined by a huge majority of the people of Clark County, I went to work to kill this rip off, a scam like the CRC just on a smaller scale.

Owens swung by shortly after the effort started to, effectively, telling me there was nothing I could do about it, it was going to happen and, effectively, if I didn't like it, well, that was tough.

I've mentioned that I killed the rip off.  And, I cannot tell a lie; I developed the final coup de gras on this scam, and others delivered it brilliantly, and in such a way that even my politically challenged brother-in-law could figure out that support for this scam was the equivalent of political suicide.

Well conceived, I thought; well planned...and brilliantly executed.

Along the way, I proved Owen's massive ignorance on the subject, and, of course, proved that the selfish SOB only cared about himself... because he wanted to watch children in their teens play baseball, which, of course, is something he can do now at any high school... so why rip the people off without asking us so HE can give MORE millions to the Yakima Millionaires?

It obviously made no sense.  It still makes no sense.  The message was developed... and delivered.

The result was messy.  Boldt's decision to kill this thing should have been instantaneous; the Columbian and Stuart's rabid support of yet another rip off?  That should have been all the reason necessary to kill this plan before the county wasted tens of thousands of dollars in staff time, effort and energy.

No matter.  Owens told me I couldn't do anything about it, I smacked him down and got it dead.

Clearly, Greg doesn't take public humiliation all that well.  But then, the politically ignorant such as Greg rarely do.

So, I did a brief summary of the scam's death rattle, and pointed out that Owen was now fixated on the one commissioner who had acted like both a Republican and a conservative from the start by taking the obvious and correct vote.

Boldt, being Boldt, was wishy-washy and vascilating on an issue that was a no-brainer... that he, Boldt, is responsible for stretching this rip off out for several months when the death of this scam should have been immediate.

Because Owens is so predictable, I knew he would respond to my post on his playground crap... he couldn't help himself.

He denigrates me... and my meager blog... but then finds himself in a position where he keeps posting... like he's drawn to it.

He attempts to goad me into responding... much like Brancaccio tried... and failed... to do the same thing.

Ever notice that Greg and Lou are a lot alike?  Massive arrogance, mostly ignorant... not inclined to let facts interfere with their conclusions?

Manipulating Greg is child's play.  The moment I saw his first post I knew he'd find it impossible to stay away from this blog that he finds so valueless... but cannot ignore.  Just saying nothing seems to drive him insane.  So, here's his play ground BS... in it's entirety, unedited:
Funny that you should ignore another letter written at the same time by conservative Republicans, Kelly. Greg Owens (I'm still gonna sign my name, even though you are too cowardly to continue posting my comments) on More proof of Marc Boldt's "democrat problem."

Publish Delete Spam Anonymous on 5/5/12

Not allowing my response to be seen is rather cowardly, dontcha think, Kelly? All about truth, honesty and honor, not allowing a dishonest silence pass, eh? Well, BS on that. To lay down such a one-sided rant and not allow a response is that of a coward. Is that how you survived your service, Kelly? When the heat was turned up, did you run out of the kitchen? Greg Owens on Greg Owens still playing the role of whiny little bitch over striking out on the ballpark rip off.

Publish Delete Spam Anonymous on 5/3/12

"Republican" <> reactionary conservative. As Martin stated, you don't get to decide who is and who isn't a Republican. But then, you do have those delusions of grandeur. Watch out for those windmills, Kelly. They have a habit of sneaking up on you.... Heh...better waste another blog post on this little ol' worm.... Greg Owens on On my lack of support for fake Republicans.

Publish Delete Spam Anonymous on 5/3/12
Don't post my response, Kelly. I understand the power you must think you have by doing that. You live in your own reality, that's for sure. So, enjoy it. It's good to be king. Greg Owens on Greg Owens still playing the role of whiny little bitch over striking out on the ballpark rip off.

Publish Delete Spam Anonymous on 5/2/12

Wow, Kelly. You sure have delusions of grandeur. Your ability to have any ability whatsoever to "kill" any issue on your own is only in your own mind. Second, your ability to "spank" anybody is just below that of my grandmother. Third, for someone that you don't need to pay any attention to, you sure like to pay attention to little ol' me. I would be flattered, but yeah, not so much. Fourth, resorting to namecalling and profanity shows just how small your ability to really communicate effectively really is. No small wonder that you are a political pariah. And last, while you are living in your own reality, what you write has little bearing on anything really important. Carry on, soldier. Windmills await you. Greg Owens on Greg Owens still playing the role of whiny little bitch over striking out on the ballpark rip off.

Publish Delete Spam Anonymous on 5/2/12  
So, here they are.  As you can see, a pattern emerges.

It's the kind of pattern where, on one hand, Greg whines about "resorting to name calling..." and then does the very thing he's whining about me being "rather cowardly," altogether typical of someone so arrogant they believe they can have their way with us for anything THEY want, while belittling and attacking the guy that killed his dream... a dream still quite dead.

Try to steal money from me?  You're lucky if all you get is "namecalling" and "profanity."
More, likely, to come.


  1. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Just s suggestion. Should you open up a sock puppets society for people like Jon Russell, David Hedrick, Greg Owens and on and on... Say similar thing you did with Jamie Herrera Watch? -- Jeremy

  2. I think my favorite line from poor old Greggie appeared in his comments on this Sunday's John Laird whine fest when he stated, "I can accept when things don't go my way and move past it."

    For someone with that attitude, he sure whines and cries a lot about something not going his way.

  3. J, that's problematic... I barely have time to do what I've been doing... but I'll think about it. Great title, by the way... "Sock Puppets Society Blog." heh.

    Greg's a confused individual. Like many of his ilk, he holds others to a standard he would never dream of applying to himself.

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    You're so easily played, Kelly. Thanks for another blog post devoted to little ol' me. It appears that I did manage to goad you into a response. It's fun...kind of like calling Marty McFly a chicken in back to the future. You couldn't resist...let's see how long it will take before I get you to do it again... easy...

    Greg Owens


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No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
