Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Gay marriage gets HAMMERED in North Carolina. You paying attention, Reagan Dunn?

19 of 100 Counties Reporting
For making marriage between one man and one woman: 61.45%
For allowing people to marry their Dachshund:  38.55%

1,726,262 votes counted (look at the very bottom of the page)

More coming in.

We have our own gay marriage problem here in Washington State that will likely be addressed this November... at least temporarily... (Unless Reagan Dunn gets HIS way.) and the establishment GOP Attorney General candidate who's main claim to fame to date is having had the late Jennifer Dunn as his mom... did an election year flip and suddenly became a huge fan of gay marriage...

Nah.  Politics didn't have anything to do with THAT, did it?

A bunch of the more "pragmatic" Republicans I know don't care.  Their only reason for having a political life is to elect Republicans.

Like Dunn, and my brother in law, Marc Boldt, they don't have to BE Republicans, you understand; the ONLY thing that matters to them is the GOP brand after a winning candidate's name.  Principle has long since disappeared for them in the name of "winning." 

You know, kinda like Charley Sheen?

They'd vote for a communist if he re-labeled himself "Republican."

I'm hearing the Reagan Dunn, for example, is having a fund raiser down here. The Establishment types will turn out in droves for that, ESPECIALLY those hankering for a job... or an appointment... or some sort of quid pro quo in Return.

A recent example was Ryan Hart's bizarre endorsement of an empty-suited nobody named Jaime Herrera.

Hart, who, like the rest of the Central Committee shouldn't endorse anyone in contested primaries, endorsed Jaime early.

He told me he did it because he "promised" her he would if she ever ran for Congress.

Of course, he left out the fact that she traded the endorsement for a $65,000 plus per year job as her District Director.

Gee.  You suppose he's part of the reason Herrera is such a coward when it comes to holding town hall meetings?

Meanwhile, back to Dunn.

See, I won't ever vote for Dunn.... or anyone else who undergoes a miraculous election year conversion that is far more guided by a desire to get elected at any cost then to be a man, or in the case of Herrera, a woman of principle.

The mainstreamers will.  Expect Liz Pike, former Clark County Director of the Mainstream Republicans and recent convert to the conservative cause (Who gets elected in the 18th unless they're a conservative?) to climb all over him like a suit.... because she wants to be endorsed... whether or not you actually have endorsed her.

So... looking forward to a great night in NC as sanity prevails and the fringe left is smacked... upside the head.

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