Thursday, March 01, 2012

We've learned two things over the past 24 hours: first, replacing the bridge was a light rail scam and Tim Leavitt doesn't want us to have a vote.

So, as it turns out, what I've been saying for years is now verified:

First, the entirety of the CRC scam was entirely about ramming light rail down our throats, and the unbearable arrogance known as Tim Leavitt, in fact, does not want to have a vote... any vote... on anything that could stop light rail.

Those following this situation have, of course, known this for years.  The wild-eyed pronouncements of those on our daily paper shilling all of this notwithstanding, as I may have written a thousand times or so on this blog, the entirety of the CRC, lies by CTrans and other supporters notwithstanding about light rail being REQUIRED to build the bridge, the fact, confirmed by the Oregon State Supreme Court is this: The bridge is an outgrowth of the light rail fetish the special downtown interests are demanding that we pay for.

Second, the man who will hopefully known as the FORMER Mayor of America's Vancouver has now made his position clear:  He doesn't care that he lied to get elected; he doesn't care that we don't want light rail, he doesn't care that we will have to pay tolls forever on this scam.  He wants what he wants.  Screw us.

This monumental variety of arrogance wouldn't have been out of place in a junior Politburo member.

But then, when it comes to government, his hero is obviously Stalin.

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