Thursday, March 01, 2012

A retraction: Daniel Coursey is NOT Jon Russell.

First of all, I apologize.  The memory goes first and I had forgotten I had been through this concerning Mr. Coursey once before.

I apologize both to Mr. Coursey AND to Jon Russell for this screw up on my part.

While I believed my reasoning and information was clear, concise and accurate, as well as being based on a well-established pattern of behavior on Mr. Russell's part, I made one mistake fatal to the story: I didn't verify this with my known and reliable sources.

For that I apologize, and I pledge to work harder to make sure that, in the future, I am more accurate and engage in more verification BEFORE I post.

I am truly sorry if I have in any way embarrassed or defamed Mr. Coursey through this connection.  That was not my intent, and it will never happen again.

Cross-posted on Jon Russell Watch.

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