Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So, the legislature has now voted to yolk 65,000 commuters and their families with generational tolls.

In what is likely to be the only tolling vote we get county-wide, the House vote passed the Ability to Enslave the Commuter Act for Light Rail, aka the CRC.

Locally, the toll lost both big, and on a bipartisan basis: 9 to 3.

Every single legislator voted "no" for the light rail bill, save those firmly in the pockets of the downtown special interests who own them outright; specifically Senator "I think this budget has been balanced on the backs of the poor and powerless" Pridemore and Representatives Moeller and Wylie.

One wonders: Will the newspaper make note of this lopsided defeat for tolling?  Or just continue to ignore the will of the people on this subject like they have for the past several years?

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