Friday, February 10, 2012

So, when is the Prosecutor's Office going to act on the Boldt Case?

Commissioner Marc Boldt violated the law.  He should resign immediately as a result.

Who acts on that violation?

Is it our local prosecutor's officer?  The State Patrol?  The AG's Office?


And when?
Dawn Boldt, the wife of Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt, resigned Thursday from Lifeline Connections, a day after Boldt and Commissioner Steve Stuart agreed to make an emergency loan to the private nonprofit.
Prior to his wife’s resignation, Boldt said Thursday morning that his wife’s employment with Lifeline did not influence his vote and that he would recuse himself from a Feb. 21 vote on whether to loan Lifeline more than the initial $190,000 the organization said it needed to make payroll.
On Thursday afternoon, Boldt said his wife had resigned from Lifeline and he acknowledged the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Again, in full disclosure, Marc Boldt is my brother-in-law.  Obviously, Dawn Boldt is my sister-in-law.  I worked directly for Marc for 6 years while he was in the legislature as his direct staff.

This is a violation of the law and the public trust.  The RCW is relatively straight forward.  Like anyone else who breaks the law, Boldt should be investigated and tried.  If convicted, he should be treated like any other person convicted of a crime.

And, of course, Dawn Boldt's job was sacrificed both to try and deflect this situation off of Marc and to free him up to now freely vote to waste a million dollars of taxpayer money, since Mielke will be a "no" on this scam.

So, when and how does the process start?

I'm going to find out.  I'll keep you posted.

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