Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Viral Connell basketball mugging video.

Connell, as he was want to tell us, is the home of the single A state champion football team, Connell High School, coached by a fellow named Didier.  (Yes, THAT Didier.)

During the campaign, I questioned his politics... now I question his coaching.

For a refresher, here's the video of the multiple muggings by thugs who wouldn't be out of place in a University of Oregon Duck jail.

There is, of course, "viral" and VIRAL.

This bad boy is VIRAL.

When I first watched it a week or so ago, it had around 34,000 or so views.

Since then, that number has gone up to 6.5 million.

That these two should be arrested is not even a question.  They should both be expelled, arrested and sued by the families of the kids they assaulted.  Connell should be required to forfeit this game and kick these thugs out of athletics.

School administrators and others flip out over "hazing."  In this case, the line was not only crossed... it was obliterated.  And while this wasn't "hazing," it was a hell of a lot worse then hazing I've seen and heard about..

And the sports apologists for Connell, their coach and AD should be fired to make sure they have no further influence on children anywhere.  The refs should turn in their zebra stripes, because they were, essentially, worthless.

This was NOT "edited."  I don't CARE what the other team, miniature in comparison, did or said.  There is, for example, a game film or two so for those idiots pointing out that this tape was posted by a Highland parent, feel free o post your OWN excerpts showing where Highland players were doing anything CLOSE to the Connell thugs.

To discredit this video because of it's sources is much like discounting a victims video of a drive-by shooting: what was said and done before DOES NOT MATTER.  THIS video shows beyond any doubt that these two thugs should be inmates at the prison most people in Connell work in.

The WIAA has a chance to, finally, do the right thing here.

For once.

Will they?

I doubt it.

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