Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The democratian's sniveling about the FCC and media ownership?

So, only democrats running for re-election have anything to say about this?  Odd that two democrats they want to win are the only pols they quoted.  Equally odd is the fact that both of them are up in 12.

Silly me.  it's not "odd."  They're democrats.  Campaigning for those clowns are what they do.

On the surface, opposition to this plan is rightfully obvious.  But digging deeper, it's hard to miss the parallels between the poor outcomes of a small few controlling the information flow in a particular market and, say, the largest daily newspaper in SW Washington, where perhaps unintended, hypocrisy rules the day.

"Localness" has done nothing to serve this community: neither of the two slimeballs running the rag are from here, and that might explain why neither of them seem to give a damn what the people of this area think, believe or want.  But having a disinterested "localness" owning this paper makes no difference that I can see from having someone who lives in Poughkipsee owning it.

Someone truly concerned about "localness" would have fired both Lou and the Pit Yorkie a decade ago.  That he didn't?  That just means Scott was ticking off another talking point because he knows he can't compete with a conglomerate, so we're seeing the benefit of his own, personal, enlightened self-interests in these observations.

Talk, obviously, is cheap.


That concept must only apply to the race or religion or gender of an owner, because... well, in THIS rag, the MOST important "diversity" of all, the diversity of thought?

That's not allowed.

Oppose the agenda?  Point out the many and obvious lies, biases, slants, inaccuracies, exaggerations.... and man, DAT VILL SIMPFLY NOT BE TOLERATED!

Do those things, and his punk will come after you.  A slimeball dillwad who shouldn't be allowed to run a 5th grade class paper will do what he can to destroy you.  And he'll do it without any of that "local, diversified" ownership doing a damned thing about it.

Do those things, and a punk will come after you. A slimeball dillwad who shouldn't be allowed to run a 5th grade class paper will do what he can to destroy you. And he'll do it without any of that "local, diversified" ownership doing a damned thing about it.

"Accountability?" Please.

No one, save the subscribers staying away in droves are holding Campbell accountable. Even going bankrupt and losing his puzzle palace to the city's incessant empire-building didn't send him a clue.

Campbell's problem? His reasoning has only the thin veneer of reality. Dig a little deeper, and you'll find, as I have, that he says one thing, but the actions of his typically despicable rag show quite another.

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