Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Better than 50/50: Iran will take a run at shuting down the Straights.

The problem is the clueless idiot in the White House.

He's steadily weakened the military through both policy and his political, as opposed to military-based promotions, appointing only those political animals that will support his social engineering efforts that weaken our military capabilities.

Between his cowardice and incompetence, we have a Keystone Cops foreign policy that has made us the laughing stock of the world.

His efforts to turn Libya and Egypt into sharia states have succeeded brilliantly while he sits idly by and watches those who long for freedom get slaughtered in Syria. 

Every sentient being on the planet knows that Iran is working towards nuclear weapons, and they're led by religious psychos who view self-immolation as a small sacrifice for allah, particularly when compared to the 72 virgin goats they get on arrival.

His bumbling and fumbling in Iraq leaves them wide-open to become an Iranian client state (ala Manchuria during WW2) and his half-hearted efforts in Afghanistan have turned the sacrifice of the best and brightest men and women this country has to offer into dust.

So, when you look at the record... why wouldn't the thugs running Iran take a shot at shutting off a great deal of  the oil flow going to the west which has played nicely with the Moron-in-Chief's Keystone handling of the Keystone pipeline... just see what happens?

The Iranians have already killed 3,000 or so of our troops and wounded 20,000 or more by providing most of the weaponry of the insurgency... and all at little to no cost to them.

They likely, and accurately, view the simple idiot running the show like most foreign countries do, a total joke... a buffoon... so, why not put their boot on that jugular?

They'll spend a few troops... sailors... boats.  They'll start to sink a few tankers, daring us to respond (and response in this case means air strikes and ground troops, and they know that the clown running the show keeps his testicles in a jar the Klingon Princess owns...) We'll have to blow billions to respond, IF we respond... and our response will be crippled.


Because that simple idiot had us tuck tail and run out of Iraq.  Bases gone.  Air support, dramatically reduced.  Pre-positioned equipment? Gone.

Ya spose the Iranians noticed our cowardly withdrawal?  You think for one second that this effort is coincidence?

We will not want our carriers in the Straights because they will lack room to maneuver and they'll be in range of Iran's shore-based Exocet-type missiles.

Because our president lacks the balls of a gnat, launching pre-emptive strikes will be out of the question.  So, get ready for more Americans to die because this non-serving moron who hates the military doesn't know how to keep that from happening, save for temporary retreat and inaction... so why wouldn't Iran take a shot?

On the whiteboard, the question is this: what do they have to gain (a lot) or lose (Not much).

I expect something to happen.  And soon.  Sink one tanker... and that's that.


  1. Weakness is easily perceived by our enemies.

    Bin Laden misunderestimated Bush.

    Ahmanutjob rightly sees the weakness in the White House now.

  2. And who can blame him?

    From his perspective and the rest of Iran's, now would be the PERFECT time.

    And all they'd have to do is sink a single tanker in the Straights. Just one.

  3. I agree, all they have to do is sink a single tanker.

  4. Obviously this isn't going to be high on the priority list. He is more interested in starting his reelection campaign. Who cares what Iran does? That might interfere with his agenda for fund raising.


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