Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ridgefield Barbie wins the Seattle Post Intelligencer "Public Openness Prize!"

Rarely do I agree with the PI about much of anything, but this time, the nailed it!

Well done, and well-deserved, Babs!
-- Public openness prize: Newly elected Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Wash., performed like a deer in the headlights at initial public meetings, so staff opted for invitation-only "coffees" with the congresswoman.

Herrera Beutler staff sent a "coffee" invite to the Chronicle, in Centralia-Chehalis, but asked that the newspaper not print its location. Why not? The wrong type of people will show up, explained an aide. The strongly conservative paper, to its credit, told readers where the congresswoman would appear
It's not easy having a cowardly slimeball for a congresswoman, especially one that works so hard to shaft us by voting with her fellow leftists, the democrats infesting our government.

Once again, congrats to the Camas Manikin, so bumblingly inept that they'd toss her off a cliff before they'd allow her to face her constituency without being told what, and how, to respond to them.

But then, that's the curse of being a coward. Right, Jaime?

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.


  1. The Columbian actually covered the Chronicles article on her selective coffees here

    From what I read of the redistricting, it will benefit her immensely.

    It might be what enables her reelection.

  2. Yeah.... I caught that at the time and may have even linked to some of it as I tap-danced on the top of her political skull for her cowardice.

    A well-financed candidate with genuine positions like the fake ones she carries around like luggage could, likely, take her out. Because while he ALLEGED positions might be attractive, the reality of her continually leftist congressional voting record, matching that of her horrific and worthless tenure in Olympia, puts her at risk.

    Voting to raise our debt ceiling, which she will no doubt do again in a few days/weeks, voting for the debt reduction scam where she took the "tough vote" to reduce the budget deficit 35 billion or so... during the time it went up 56 billion... voting to continue funding for Obama's failed mortgage bail out program... and, most recently, voting for the moronic House GOP cave-in plan, one of 7 GOP'ers to vote against us.

    That, and the fact that compared to many out there, she's dumb as a box of rocks. Her ongoing cowardice concerning town hall meetings is a HUGE issue that can be exploited to take her out... by either side. It's like the gift that keeps on giving.


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