Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A truly bizarre letter in the democratian... wearing out another set of kneepads... for OUR rag?

There are bound to be some people out there who play what I call "journalistic relativism."

In this case, I define the term as one where someone either in, or a former member of, the media plays the "but there people are MUCH worse then WE are" game as if that excuses or justifies ANYTHING.

For some, there's no violation of the public trust; no blatant bias or agenda-attacks that are enough to question the motives... or the value... of a despicable rag:

Letter: Deadlines, decisions can be difficult

More like this

I find many of the complaints and comments about The Columbian almost laughable. Too liberal; too conservative; too left; too right; yet biased.
Having worked for a major metropolitan daily newspaper, I fully understand the meaning of “deadline,” how hard it is to meet those deadlines and publish something new and interesting each and every day. The Columbian staff is not a group of talking bobbleheads making a small fortune reading the news on network television. The staff is a group of local people dedicated to reporting local news and being involved in our community — a staff willing to wrap Christmas presents to make the holidays happier for a local family; to report personal interest stories and respond to questions from readers.
If you feel that The Columbian is biased, I suggest you try reading that other area metro paper from across the river. And if you think it needs so much improvement, I suggest you start publishing your own version of a daily. Until you have personally dealt with the deadlines, judgments and costs of publication, I doubt you would print anything worth lining the bottom of your birdcage with. To all of The Columbian staff, I say “thanks,” and wish them the very best for the coming year.
Ed Delph
Brush Prairie
Great letter... if you're a leftist hermit not living in the real world.

This "love it or leave it" crap is just that; crap.  And the idea that because some of those working there give a small amount of their time to "wrapping presents for A local family" (Big whoop) after years of trashing, lying, exaggerating in their articles against those who, like me, do a hell of a lot more in charitable works with NO publicity or bogus letters to the editor to show for it neither makes up for or justifies there criminal negligence and failure to do their jobs in defense of an agenda.

Our local democrat daily newsletter is just that: a fringe-left rag with a fringe-left agenda where what the people want is of no consequence. No lie they won't tell, no exaggeration, no slant, no bias, no attack... nothing they won't do to protect their agenda and that of the Identity Vancouver/CRUDEC/Chamber of Horrors/downtown Mafia types infesting us.

"Journalistic relativism" like that advocated in this bizarre letter, where he points to the Lazy O across the river and claims THEY are even MORE biased, and therefore, the Lazy C should somehow get a pass is pure, unadulterated garbage.

To expect us to go along like good little sheeple and just roll over for these slimeballs is absurdity wrapped in idiocy... which, come to think of it, sums up this letter.

For a newspaper to have true value, it must ...present the news unslanted, unbiased, with a perspective that includes ALL sides. It must treat everyone the same, and give no one a pass because of the letter after their name. If it denies "speculation" against a democrat politician who got kicked out because of his alcohol-fueled misconduct with female staff in the legislature, then it must deny ALL speculation to or about anything.

Its actions must be guided by the community that provides forbearance in terms of allowing their continued existence... an already problematic issue for the already bankrupt democratian.

I will continue to pound this despicable rag as long as they continue to pound me, us and this community by exhibiting a level of arrogance that wouldn't have been out of place in the 3rd Reich's newspapers, where the people knew absolutely nothing and those publishing this despicable rag know absolutely everything, and they continue to aid those who would profit off a beat-down people who simply cannot afford their peculiar version of an enslaved utopia developed without our permission or input.

And as far as Delph is concerned, he needs to take his own advice: you don't like what those of us wise enough to rebel at this Big Brother's publication's efforts and methods have to say?

Then don't read it.

But as long as this horrific excuse of a media source attacks us, attacks truth and attacks integrity?

Then they... and YOU... should expect us to attack back.

And as far as that goes, I hope Lou left a $20 on your dresser.

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