Friday, December 09, 2011

So, now that everyone in local government knows that SW Washington opposes tolls, what are they going to do about it?

Nothing.  They will proceed as if this poll never happened.

Steve "The Liar" Stuart has babbled about polls on this issue for a few years now.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart, a member of the C-Tran board of directors, said he’s familiar with the new political action committee’s poll and is confident both measures already have majority support. 
But like the rest of the slime pushing this, NONE of them want to hold the only indisputable poll that matters: an election.

So now we have the real numbers.  According to the democratian, they look like this:
But just 43 percent of respondents in Southwest Washington said they like tolling as a way to pay for big projects, trailing next lowest supportive region, Benton-Franklin-Walla Walla, by 10 percent.
There you have it.

Indisputable evidence.

And what difference will it make?

The same difference it makes to everyone governing with arrogance and superiority over those they would govern:

No difference at all.

Because if it DID make any difference... then this project would have been dead by now.

What this also shows is a golden opportunity: organize those who oppose this massive rip off, and you achieve political gold.

It also means that Tim "The Liar" Leave-it should be polishing his resume'.

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