Friday, December 09, 2011

"Pridemore is disgusted?" Is this where I remind him that HIS party runs EVERYTHING in Olympia?

The rag wore out their kneepads with their puff-piece/campaign piece for Craig Pridemore this evening.  But I've got to tell you, this is a picture of someone who seems to have a serious drinking problem:

Yeah, yeah, Craig.... we get that you're all in a fake huff...

But at the end of the day, I have to wonder: why did the article fail to mention that HIS party is the one in charge of everything up there?
There's no emphasis about that, but the fact is that as pissed as Pridemore is acting... and it IS only an act... it's HIS people that are in charge of every element of this special session.

This is ALL on the democrats.  And the rag, of course, fails to point that little factoid out because, well, that's who they are.

But the d's control it all.  Every committee... Every bill.  All the schedules.  All the agendas.  All of it.

And it's all on them.

I'm sure the rag will get around to mentioning that at some point soon.... aren't you?

1 comment:

  1. Did you forget he used to smoke like a chimney stack? And second. after this year and he's actually running for state treasurer, so does he really HAVE to care??


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