Friday, December 09, 2011

When Republicans are stupid and democrat State Senator Ed Murray (D-Seattle) has to save them from themselves.

The House GOP has been chomping at the bit to get a bail out bill passed that would put us all on the hook for $42 million worth of Wenatchee's stupidity.

Fortunately, SOMEBODY there has the sense that God gave a rock ape about this issue, and that somebody is, surprisingly, State Senator Ed Murray (D-Seattle) Senate Ways and means Chair, who has expressed the consensus of most of the people in this state by driving a stake through the heart of this piece of crap bill. 

The Wenatchee World Online

Bailout bill hits a wall in the Senate

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
WENATCHEE — The chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee will not allow a hearing on a revised bill to rescue the Town Toyota Center from default, saying the bill is essentially dead.

“For all intents and purposes, this is over,” said Sen. Ed Murray.

The Seattle democrat says there’s not anywhere near the support in the Senate needed to move the bill forward. Murray said he spoke with a number of senators before making his decision. Even initial support for the bill has faded, he said.

Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, R-Wenatchee, said she is still working to muster enough support among her fellow senators to convince the Senate leadership to allow a vote on the bill.

“The Senate majority leader makes that decision,” Parlette said, referring to Sen. Lisa Brown, D-Spokane.
The original version of the bill that would loan $42 million to pay off the arena’s debt was heard by the Senate committee last week, but the committee did not take a vote on whether to support it. The bill was reintroduced with a new title on Friday after the debt went into default on Thursday.

Murray said that while he did not like the bill from the start, he kept an open mind to allowing a hearing if enough senators supported it.

"But the votes simply aren't there," he said.

Usually, when your political opponents are intent on committing suicide, you stand by and let them.

For whatever the reason, in this case, a democrat State Senator is exhibiting common sense and allowing the responsibility to rest where it properly belongs: the government of Wenatchee.

They are going into default.  This is me saying that I could care less.

Now... watch those shilling for the bailout start lying their collective asses off to try and make it happen.... just like those shilling the CRC, the Ballpark, the CTran tax and the like.

Wait for it... wait for it....

1 comment:

  1. I can hardly WAIT for the new session of the state legislature that is going to happen in 2012. Its going to be FUN to see how a 2 billion dollar short fall is going to kill the washington state feedlot portion of the CRC project.

    I do not think anyone who knows this project well, thinks the legislature has the money at the state level to pay the local portion of the bridge.

    Most, if not all will be going to the state ferries or three big, billion dollar projects in the Seattle area.


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