Friday, December 09, 2011

When Gregoire's "local representative to the humma humma task force" is an idiot.

I've been away for a few days, so I didn't have a chance to comment on this nonsense, but now those shilling the hardest for the CRC scam have additional proof, as if any more were needed, that the people don't want to get screwed with tolls for the Bridger's/Looter's latest rip off.

And the response?

About what you'd expect from an arrogant putz who would give a popcorn fart about what we want or what we demand.
Tim Schauer, Clark County’s local representative on Gov. Chris Gregoire’s Connecting Washington Task Force, tasked with piecing together recommendations on ways to create stable funding for the state’s struggling transportation budget, said the right questions haven’t been asked to local residents.

Tolls are a user fee, and transportation projects have to be paid for somehow: If it’s not tolls, it could be a higher gas, sales or property tax, he said.

“We don’t support tolls (here), but we haven’t really done a good job of presenting people choices,” Schauer said. “Clark County needs an education on if not tolls then what?”
Is it any wonder many are beginning to hate their government with arrogant slime like this such a major part of it?

Let me restate what the message is:
Tim Schauer, Clark County’s local representative on Gov. Chris Gregoire’s Connecting Washington Task Force, tasked with piecing together recommendations on ways to create stable funding for the state’s struggling transportation budget, said the respondents were idiots because we didn't manipulate the questions to get the answers he wanted.

Tolls are a user fee, and transportation projects have to be paid for somehow: There's no way we'd EVER ask the permission of those who have to pay the bills before we waste hundreds of millions on projects the people neither need.... or want: whatever would we do if the people said "no?"

“We don’t support tolls (here), but we don't care what the people want," Schauer said. “Clark County is too stupid to know what's good for them, and what's good for them is what we say is good for them."
Let me help you a bit more, Mr. Schaure: when you ask, ".. if not tolls then what?" the answer is simple and clear: nothing.

Let me make it even simpler:  We don't want your project.  We don't want your tolls.  We don't want to replace the bridge, and we don't want loot rail.

So, the answer remains simple: nothing.

Don't build it.

Leave it alone.

Feel free to contact me if you need any further clarification.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, you know what is even funnier? He's the newest figurehead chairman OF the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce.....


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