Sunday, December 11, 2011

Intriguing LTE in the democratian this morning: Third choice - shop elsewhere.

In his usual effort to jam his foot in his mouth up to his knee (which he accomplishes brilliantly) the democratian's Pit Yorkie babbled about tyranny masquerading as "Sovereignty" in his inexcusable and inexplicable defense of that scam... except for the obvious:

When you cut out tens of thousands of voters but not the taxes we're forced to provide, the name for that extortion is robbery.  And Laird's defense of that practice, while certainly understandible given his fringe-left, neo-communist meme, is just that: inexcusible and inexplicable.

A John Bala of Vancouver responded to the Yorkie's idiocy with the obnvious rejoinder:

Letter: Third choice: Shop elsewhere

In his Dec. 4 opinion column, “Gerrymandering? No, it’s sovereignty,” John Laird admonishes his friend from Amboy for complaining about the new sales tax increase to support C-Tran’s operating budget, and the fact that the friend did not get a chance to vote on the new tax, as he lives outside the C-Tran service district. Laird’s rather smug answer is “jurisdictional sovereignty,” and that his friend has two choices: either “shut up and accept it” (that is, pay the new sales tax every time he shops in Vancouver), or move into the C-Tran service district and become a voter.
Well, there is actually a third choice that Laird conveniently forgets or doesn’t want to mention: His friend can simply shop elsewhere, and say “get lost” to C-Tran and Vancouver merchants. That’s what I call “consumer sovereignty.” While I would never advocate any Washingtonian shopping there, I know of a place not too far from here where the sales tax rate is zero. I’m wondering if C-Tran’s board factored that into their revenue calculations?
John Bala - Vancouver
John, of course, is dead on. I do everything I can to avoid the moronic tax increases imposed by a tiny minority of people over the majority and so strongly endorsed by scum like Laird... and Leave-it... and Stuart... and Boldt... so, when it comes to "shop locally?"

Forget about it.

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