Sunday, December 11, 2011

So what if the people don't support it? More CRC garbage from the democratian.

See, it's never mattered to the arrogant slimeballs running the democratian that the people don't want their CRC scam.

Now that we have proof, provided by WADOT, there is NO QUESTION that we do NOT want to pay tolls for this massive manure pile these idiots keep shilling, I pro-offered both the question... and the answer... as to what difference that indisputable knowledge might make.


To the scum shilling this, it never was about what the people wanted or could afford.  It was about their "superior" knowledge over that of the unwashed masses.  It was Nazism revisited, because frankly, I don't recall Hitler holding referendums on the Autobahn, either... and these slime sure have THAT in common, don't they?

That this crime continues and that those aiding and abetting it "approve" doesn't make it right, correct, proper or democratic.

And unlike those at the democratian who insist that when rape is inevitable, we should just relax and enjoy it, I refuse to go along with their program and will work very hard to bring attention to their arrogance every chance I get.

Imagine... imagine how much stronger we would be as a community... if this despicable rag were a reflection of our community instead of a self-appointed arbiter run by arrogant asses who believe their judgement to be superior to that of the people... a divisive force who lies, exaggerates, assassinates... all with impunity... instead of a unifying force that urges the will of the people be determined and followed in ALL things... instead of a whining, sniveling punk who does all they can to elect a government and then has the temerity to complain about it once elected... as if these outcomes weren't foreseeable.


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