Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ballpark Bobby Knight needs to resign.

Did you catch Ballpark Bobby's snivel fest this morning?

He was whining and actually telling us, with a presumably straight face, that "Clark College needs to avoid more cuts."


Let's start with a 25% cut across the board in pay and benefits.

But before that cut is implemented, let's start by giving Ballpark Bobby a 100% pay cut.

He slithered out and worked VERY hard to scam us on the Ballpark deal... a deal HE was in on months before we ever heard about it.

See, he wanted to give up state land (And the land Clark College is sitting on belongs to the state of Washington... meaning us) so the Yakima Millionaires could force 400,000 of us to buy them their Ballpark.  And what would Clark and Ballpark Bobby get out of this not-too-subtle attempt to bypass the state Capitol Budget?

FREE use of this new facility.  And, of course, free access to any of these sub-professional games.

He had no trouble whatsoever attempting to put the people of this county on the hook for MILLIONS.... for a game.  Obviously, he was unconcerned about OUR funds... so I will show an equal lack of concern over HIS.

In response to Knight's incessant whining, here is what I urge MY legislators to do: cut.  And cut again.

Knight is a retired Army officer, to my shame, and it's not like he'll lose his house if he's fired.... his check will keep coming.  He'll just be off 10 or 20 thousand a month or so.

But to restore our faith in that school, the Governor would be well-served to get rid of this snake.  And I will continue to urge my legislators to impose cuts on Clark College until they do.

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