Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Flawed thinking from a flawed man:Steve "The Liar" Stuart on the CRC scam.

A little bird gave me a heads up about more babble from Steve "The Liar" Stuart about the CRC.
As just a tiny little bit of background, like his butt-buddy Tim "The Liar" Leave-it, Steve "The Liar" Stuart lied about the CRC to get elected.  In this case, it was in late October, 2010, before he rather brilliantly managed to almost lose an election that SHOULD have been a sure thing:
As a member of the C-Tran board, Stuart said, he worked to protect lower fares for disabled riders and fought a move to cut transit services to the disabled.

As for light rail, he said, “My focus is to provide you with a vote, and because of the work we did, there is going to be a vote next November.”
That is, November 2011.  I knew he was lying then like I repeatedly warned people that Leave-it was lying on his now-proven fake anti-toll stance.

Do you remember a loot rail vote last November?

Me neither.

Anyway, this is Stuart's idiocy lifted directly from his very own Facebook page:

There was a long, good discussion at the C-Tran Board retreat Friday about a LRT vote, and I reiterated that my support is for a district-wide vote on O&M for LRT based on two reasons. First, philosophically we are one community with one transit agency where the individual parts must complement each other to get maximum benefit. Thus, if the benefits are connected, so should be the costs. Second, ...practically, right or wrong, I agree that this is our County's only way to vote on the CRC. Many who support the CRC project have criticized me for taking this position, thinking it will hurt the project and likely fail. As I said in the paper (though the quote was in the wrong context), I think it's dangerous to presume the will of the voters. Given good information, I believe they'll vote based on that, in the best interest of our community. I believe that best interest is to invest .01 percent sales tax to maintain and operate a transit system that will tie us into over 50 miles of rail for no capital cost, while also helping attract the only Federal money ($850 million) that's thusfar[sic] been identified.
Regarding timing, despite requests made by people up for election in November 2012, I am firmly for a districtwide vote in the 2012 general election for two reasons. First, practically speaking, the work that is legally mandated will not be done in time for a Spring vote. Second, I believe the general election is the best opportunity to have the most people have their voice heard.
There rare, as you might expect, a great many things wrong with this nonsense:

First of all, there's no mention of the lie that earned him the sobriquet I've applied to him as "The Liar."

Secondly, when he whines: "I believe the general election is the best opportunity to have the most people have their voice heard ," he's lying again.

You see, like his wife (who made bank off the CTran scam vote) Stuart does NOT want "the most people to have their voice heard" any more for the loot rail vote than he did for the Ballpark scam he was running until Boldt jammed a spear through it's heart.... finally... 6 months too late...

You see, if he DID want "the most people to have their voice heard" then he would demand that this vote be COUNTYwide, and not just inside a gerrymandered district so that, once again, just like the past two CTran scam votes he's supported, tens of thousands of us would not be allowed to vote on this scam while we would be required to pay the tax increase he wants so much.

You see, it's not JUST that he lies... it's that he does it so very badly.

As Steve "The Liar" Stuart has proven, talk is the cheapest commodity in government.  So, how do we know Stuart is lying?

His lips are moving... or his keyboard is clacking.

Either way, the product is the same.

Perhaps, Stuart would be better off if he followed Jon Russell's example and simply, publicly, shut up.

But we're not idiots, commissioner... and your actions certainly do NOT follow your words.

You would be better served if you just fessed up: You and your downtown mafia, identity Vancouver, CRUDEC buddies want as few people as possible in as tightly controlled an area as possible to vote so you can get what you want like the last CTran vote: ten people voting so 400,000 of us have to pay your tax.

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