Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It really sucks to be Obama; today a democrat U.S. representative frags him.

While it probably sucks to be Obama every day, it must have a really been bad today.

When members of your own party start to attack you, you must be doing a terrible job.  And in this case, he is.

Is this the harbinger of things to come?  Isn't it a little early to be running away from the leader of your party?

Democratic US Representative frags Obama

Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 1:37 PM
By Richard Kuykendall
In today’s Congress Blog in The Hill online edition, California Representative Dennis Cardoza blows his party’s leader right out of his Teddy Roosevelt combat boots.
According to Cardoza, US voters made a gross mistake in hiring Obama as chief executive. In Cardoza’s opinion, Obama is at best cut out to be no more than a professor–and a non-tenured one, we could hope–as since his election, he has done nothing more than lecture, lecture, lecture.
Wisely, Cardoza apologizes to all professors, saying he’s not trying to disparage their profession–only simply point out the obvious. And although he never directly says so, Cardoza makes it fairly clear that the obvious isn’t so much Obama’s reliance on his teleprompter as his lack of leadership and a personality ill-suited to holding the position of Most Powerful Man in the Universe.
Unfortunately, the Representative’s real beef is that Obama hasn’t been more successful in banishing the darkness of contemporary conservatism from the land. But his piece is still an entertaining read, and pretty much right on the money.

As the polls continue to head south, it's likely that we'll be seeing more democrat representatives who are interested in keeping their jobs, begin to make statements like those as Obama continues his reign of destruction on our country.

Hat tip to the gatewaypundit.com

1 comment:

  1. While it is somewhat funny to read Cardoza's condemnation of the Poseur in Chief, that his objection is over not shutting up the other half of America tells me Cardoza is worse than Obama.

    If these jerks want communism so freakin' bad, move to Cuba or North Korea.

    I enjoy living under freedom, not oppression.


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