Sunday, December 04, 2011

Another in the never-ending series of idiotic puff-pieces for the CRC scam.

In your view: You, the people, are idiots.

First, the CRC should be cancelled. That's the only "unfolding" that needs to happen.

Second, SOMETHING needed to be done to fix their raw sewage problem. Since the CRC will accomplish precisely dick, there's no comparison.

Third: Portland won't be $10 billion in debt with generations of toll payers just to go to work as a result of fixing a problem they allowed for decades.  If this hadn't worked as the CRC will NOT work, would you be babbling this way about the "success" of this scam?

Fourth, it takes a genuine moron to compare these apples with those oranges, as well as the criminally idiotic way they've screwed the taxpayers out of $400 million on the I-520 without even turning a shovel of dirt.

I missed your mention of that... why did you leave it out? Or is that one of those "triumphs" you're babbling about?
You clowns cherry pick one project while deliberately ignoring the majority of these projects that wind up nightmares: the Big Dig, loot rail in Portland and Seattle, the raping of Milwaukie for their loot rail extension: the list is both long, and distinguished... of projects with hugely understated budgets and over-promised and under-delivered services.

Governments and proponents like you will lie, and lie dramatically; understating costs and vastly overstating impacts. In this case... this one case, the need was undeniable, and it accomplished the goal. In the case of the CRC, it's a lie, start to finish, it will bury generations of SW Washington in debt and it will accomplish precisely dick when it comes to achieving the goals you people continue to lie about.

The lies from you slime concerning the goals and reasons for your support in the face of the huge opposition to this scam are part and parcel as to why your rag has zero credibility.

You snivel about electronic gaming because of a vote taken 7 years ago, and then ignore the votes taken repeatedly AGAINST the scam you're so proud of running, and then you point to the sewer project and claim that because of that ONE piece, we should just be sheep and head into the showers because you and the rest of the sonderkommandos tells us that, in fact, it really IS just a shower.

Well guess what?

It ain't.

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