Saturday, December 03, 2011

Having been busted in the chops, Brancaccio nails Boldt.

It was to be expected as yet another project Brancaccio wanted someone else to pay for... in this case, so his rag of a paper could make bank off advertising and his downtown mafia buddies could hit a major score for their friends... went down swinging.

There's no point in reviewing Lou's garbage, it's his typical petulant crap replete with his arrogant "I know better then you all - what you want doesn't matter" shtick, a re-run that his blighted our community for years.

But I WILL excerpt one of his particularly moronic sections in his stupidity, because he confuses "politics" with "will of the people."
Then came the day of the vote. After a long public comment session, Boldt spoke. He was rummaging around trying to find the words to explain his view and early on sounded like his “yes” vote was intact.

But then he said, “No.” He said, “No.”

So what happened? Politics. Another definition of politics, one that some would argue is the most important definition, is this:

“I need to get re-elected.”
That's right.

Marc Boldt needs to get re-elected.  Marc Boldt knew that a dwindling chance would drop to a zero chance if he voted, once again, to raise another tax on us without asking.  He knew that if, once again, he voted against the will of the people, he would be over.  And obviously the democratian's chief putz has a problem with that.  He'd a been a swell staffer on the Pravda Isvetia.

The excerpt quoted above is the closest thing yet to come off Lou's Commodore 64 word processor that indicates he believes those elected to do our will should ignore that will... if, of course, it conflicts with the rag's agenda.

Thus, Brancaccio has also made it clear that he's more than willing to throw Boldt or anyone else under the bus if they act contrary to the rag's view.

Clearly, Brancaccio doesn't give a damn that the people of Clark County wanted nothing to do with this scam.  He obviously only cared about the 30 pieces of silver his financially crippled paper would get if this thing got rammed down our collective throats.

Brancaccio's situational ethics is on display for all to see:  Just a few short months ago this very same garbage can liner railed against even the possibility of using tax dollars to build a facility for the Portland Beavers.

Words from this self-same despicable rag not that long ago:
"As we've editorialized before, there appears to be no way any of that money (To build a ballpark) could or even should be provided by taxpayers. That hurdle hasn't discouraged Leavitt, though. There's still a lot of interest in bringing Beavers baseball or Triple-A baseball to Clark County. Private interests are working on a financing plan, he said. To which we respond: Great! Work away! Which is a nice way of saying don't come begging to cash-strapped city or county governments."

What happened to the rag that published that?

I dunno.  But it seems to me that Boldt did precisely and absolutely what the pimple on the butt of our community wanted LAST year... but that was last year.

Look, even tough I'm related to Boldt by marriage and I worked for the man for 6 years in the Legislature, I am not wildly supportive.  But in this instance, once again, Brancaccio is just being a jerk.  It didn't go his way, so he's striking out like the playground punk he truly is.

Marc ran as a "servant" of the people, not their master.  And though people like Brancaccio want the electeds to turn that sort of thing on and off like a switch, there can be no doubt that this time, albeit a few months late, Boldt did the right thing.

And that it pisses off Brancaccio so much?  Well, that just confirms it, because any time that slime ball is pissed at you, you can't be too far wrong.


  1. You nailed that exactly.

    I think that's what Conservatives mean when they call someone "elitist." (I'd accept their definition if they accepted my definition of "aristocracy.")

  2. hey Kelly, Seen John Laird's latest explanation of "jurisdictional sovereignty" "hounds of whinerville" and third party views...

    If you think Lou was bad playing with crayons. John is right up there this week.


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