Sunday, December 04, 2011

Lies, damned lies, and John Laird.

We're cursed with genuine scum as the editorial page editor of the local blight on our community, the democratian.

There's no leftist cause or rip off he won't justify, no lie he won't support, no tax he won't demand to ram down our throats if it furthers his agenda.

Today's idiocy: gerrymandering to screw the taxpayers is perfectly OK.

Well, of course, it isn't, because it begs the question: if his retarded point of view is close to correct.... then why even hold elections at all?

Why bother?  What's the point?  Why not just stick it to us by implementing these multiple increases without bothering to go through the motions of asking anyone?

Well, the point of holding these elections was always to seek the permission of those being taxed to achieve whatever the goal is.

And, of course, gerrymandering eliminates that by including all of the points of taxation, in this case, every retailer in Clark County, while simultaneously excluding any risk that the people who are actually going to BE taxed are kept from having any vote.... and having any say.  That's why they screwed us in the first place: this county overwhelmingly rejected a CTran tax scam.  The solution? 

Just exato-knife out the precincts who voted "no," and with them, the tens of thousands of voters who will keep us from stealing your money.  And by the way:  That they can't vote certainly doesn't mean that they can't pay the tax... oh, no.

Morons like Laird and Brancaccio believe that to be just peachy.  For whatever the reason, so does Commissioner Marc Boldt who voted for the plan in question.

So, to that slimeball's claim that it's "sovereignty," I say this:  so was the Third Reich, numbnuts.  And how did that work out?

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