Sunday, November 13, 2011

The law in Portland: We don't need no stinkin' law.

Few things can possibly result in less respect for law then the bizarre handling of the occupy druggies in Portland.

When government says they're going to enforce the law... are stupid enough to set a deadline.... and then IGNORES their own deadline.... what kind of message does that send?

This scam in the park... the #occupy druggies, the homeless, the criminals.... has long since ceased to approach anything political.  And thanks to the blithering idiots running Portland, it has become a thumb in the eye of the law-abiding taxpayers who have to foot the bill for it.... since none of THESE people will have to pay.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to the parks.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars in overtime for the police and other support services.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue for business in the area. 

I'm reminded of the Mastercard commercials:

Used tent: $10
Hit of meth/crack: free
Damaging public property:  hundreds of thousands of dollars
Destroying the respect for the law in Portland?


I despise the government of Portland for what they've allowed their city to become.  And now, their ineptitude and cowardice in dealing with this so-called "protest," where crime, drugs and filth rule the day drive my sense of disgust even deeper.

You know, for a 2 or 3 year period, I was homeless.... in the early 90's.  I lived in a car, a gas station, a travel trailer.

Times were very tough for me economically... like they are, allegedly, for these "protesters."  Now, I own a big house on 3 acres.  In a little while, I'll be getting in my Mercedes (Used, to be sure, but very nice) and heading on over to a Steelers bar to catch the game.

But then, I wasn't brought up inculcated in victim hood.  I got myself into that position, and I realized early on that it was up to me... and me alone... to get myself out of it... and unlike most reading this entry, I have experience on both sides of the equation.

And I have no sympathy for the homeless... the dis-effected.

I have empathy.  I have understanding.  I recognize that our government and schools have trained millions to believe that none of this is their fault... and what do we have to show for it?

This "occupy" bullshit.

It's going to get worse before it gets better.  Our government, at all levels, inculcates with blame for others.  The concepts and ideas of personal responsibility are as foreign to most as Sanskrit.  Our schools have become political indoctrination centers.  Millions of those female or of some skin color excluding white are instructed that they are all victims... and we spend billions in programs and provide teachers almost entirely unaccountable for the "jobs" they do.  And the result?

The manipulation by forces who wish this entire country ill of this so-called "occupy" movement.

Portland represents the pinnacle of their achievement.  A cowardly, socialist government that represents "success..." a government that spits in the eye of those paying the bills and those who actually obey the laws... the laws those clowns are sworn to uphold... and the laws they insulted last night by their inactivity.

Well done.

1 comment:

Martin Hash said...

Unrest in Portland is inevitable. The city specifically attracts Marxist thinkers, and suffers from severe self-righteous delusions. The Marxists may actually have the SYMPATHY of the electorate there!

Thank goodness, there are few cities like Portland, but as time goes by, more cities will follow suit.

The problem with a "2nd is the first loser" economy, is that there are a hell of a lot more 2nds (and 3rds, and 4ths...)