Wednesday, October 12, 2011

When the mayor and the city council are smoking dope.... again.

You know, it's just a shame that the City of Vancouver has a government run by a bunch of bongbrains.

Let me set this up:

The county wants to put a biomass electrical plant downtown.  I'm fine with that for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that the slimeballs running the show... The Liar Leavitt, Smith, Hansen, Harris and so on... also want to jam this moronic bridge and loot rail down OUR throats... so maybe a little shoe on the other foot is just what the doctor ordered.

You know... a little bit of humility... a little bit of, well, gee, now you know how it feels kind of thing.

So, how do the slimeballs of Vancouver react?

They stick it to the county... and the company scheduled to build the plant, by doing this last second dance to kill this job producing project by sticking them with a 6 month moratorium on development in that area... screwing up the complicated financing of the project... and likely killing it.

Well, that's how the game is played.

Kinda.  Sorta.

And then... why then... you turn around and ask the government you just slapped... the government you just wizzed on...

... if they'll proceed to forgive yet ANOTHER huge chunk of money related to the Pollard Hilton rip off...

A paltry $4.4 million dollars.

Could ANY group of elected officials BE so IDIOTIC?

The "gavel down" group of Vancouver can be... and are.
After the meeting Tuesday, Mielke said that while the city hadn’t yet publicly asked for debt relief, it’s public money and he wants to be transparent.
But Mielke was clear when asked if he would consider forgiving the debt: No.
Mielke said he felt as though the city council “stabbed us in the back” with the surprise moratorium.

Along with Mielke’s lack of enthusiasm to negotiate, Commissioner Marc Boldt, asked separately whether he would agree to forgive the debt, shook his head.
That's what you get when you have a Keystone Cops idiot for a mayor and a bunch of city council people who, apparently, couldn't pass a drug test on a bet.

Screw them.

Because they MUST be on crack if they thought they could get away with THIS rip off.

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