Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Are you freaking kidding me? Federal Judge overrules MARINE BASE COMMANDER who opposes anti-terrorism bumper stickers on his base?

God Almighty.  What is happening to us? (HT to One Marine's View)

October 11, 2011


It seems to me that with crap like this going on, is it any wonder that a bunch of illiterate goat herders believe they can kick our collective asses?

This is the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS they're talking about here.

The infection of Obama has filtered down to this level.

God Help us.


  1. That was a FEDERAL judge. Marine base commanders are citizens too. I assume that the commander will appeal the ruling if he strongly believes in defamation.

  2. In the military, in this case, the issue of appeal is to be determined at the Department of the Navy level.

    This General can ask... but other then offering an opinion, he has no say.

    And, of course, it hade to be a federal judge, since no other would have jurisdiction.

    But the point of all of this is that we cannot have a military force that is both effective AND politically correct.

    The basis for the case, as I understand it, is a single Marine claimed offense because this man, a man of proven valor and sacrifice, a man who has given so much for this country, "offended " this Marine's Muslim wife, not by getting in her face and yelling these things to her... or even whispering them... but by having a some fricking bumper stickers on his car... a privlege that *I* happen to believe he'd paid for a dozen-fold.

    Tough. Far more offensive then the sentiment expressed by these stickers was this obvious attack on this man's clearly ennunciated First Amendment right.

    The problem?

    We now have a generation of general officers inculcated with leftist crap that, in this case, caused a Marine General Officer to OBVIOUSLY violate his oath to this country, an oath that REQUIRES that this General "...support and defend the Constitution of the United States" in such a cavalier way.

    That does not, of course, include a SELECTIVE support for just the parts he likes.

    In this case, the man is a retiree. As such, he is not subject to the General's orders per se'

    This entire episode is a disgrace. That the Marines with their storied history could sink to this level?


  3. I guess I'm confused. The article says the the bumper stickers are ALLOWED. It appears to be a Freedom of Speach vs. Political Correctness win?

    Am I wrong, or are you angry at the judge or the commander?

  4. I'm royally p/o'ed that this ever became an issue. The Commander was dead wrong to ban this vehicle from his post merely because of the bumper stickers.

    It should have never come to this... and that it even COULD become an issue does NOT speak well for the Marine Corps or its leadership.

    The Commanding General was dead wrong; the judge absolutely right. But that a general officer in the US military didn't already KNOW that... that a general officer in the Marine Corps could so easily violate the rights of this American to express his position on these issues... That, to me, is a symptom of a greater and more troubling disease.

    A Marine was "offended" at these stickers?

    Tough. Man up and move on.

    As I said, I was far more "offended" at the Commander's actions and that the vehicle owner's rights were violated.

    He has a right to display these stickers, and the Marine-married Muslum has a right not to look if she doesn't like it.


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