Wednesday, October 12, 2011

And speaking of smoking dope, the democratian's crock on Prop 1 shows they'd melt the container on a urinalysis.

Their lies of half-truth and feigned ignorance are sickening to behold... so, I fixed the last part of this garbage.

Do not be deceived by Prop. 1 proponents who incorrectly fail to associate this ballot measure with light rail. The revenue, in this instance, has nothing to do with "going to light rail." C-Tran’s board of directors have tax dollars to waste on sending clowns like Steve "The Liar" Stuart to New Orleans on OUR dime, and they have 10's of millions of dollars of cash sitting in the bank. With grandiose plans for far-too-expensive busses, and stars in their eyes over a new bridge that we don't need, built entirely and only to stuff loot rail down our throats, they've failed to present a county-wide ballot measure on loot rail and THIS election is an opportunity to send them a message they cannot ignore.

The rag's effort to cover for the scum; from Vancouver, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, Smith and Hansen, who collectively have deliberately screwed us out of a vote, and this pimple on the butt of democracy self-servingly fails to mention that the loot rail vote they dream of will be confined to a small, carefully gerrymandered district, dramatically increasing it's possibility of passage, but doing nothing to expand it's prospects of having any resemblance to democracy. (Think: Voting for mayor of Moscow in the Stalin regime.)

In Clark County, C-Tran's deliberate failure to allow a vote NOW on loot rail (As Steve "The Liar" Stuart promised during his campaign) has caused light rail to strengthen into a cause that's now emotional, cultural and political in it's overwhelming opposition. Prop. 1 is precisely the same; and we should not pass up this opportunity to screw them, exactly as they have made every effort to screw us.

Some critics accurately assail C-Tran for asking for a tax increase. We don’t see it that way. But then, we're self-deluded fringe leftists, and reality is rarely in the same room with us, since this is PRECISELY that: a tax increase in the middle of a horrific recession with area double digit unemployment. With Proposition 1, C-Tran is simply presenting voters with a choice: Do we want to preserve vital transportation services? Or do we want sharp reductions? Do we want to allow their empty threats to be the reason we all pass up this opportunity to whack them upside the head with a roaring NO vote that tells them what the inevitable outcome for their gigantic rip off plan for loot rail is going to be?

The people of Clark County — the best place in America to live, work and play, althoiugh because of the massive tax increases we usually support, is becoming dramatically less so — deserve a high-quality public transit system, but they won't get it with unlimited spending by an out of control agency by following the advice of the, no-tax-we-don't-love leftist rag who ignores salient facts and who carries the water for CTran, identity Vancouver, and the rest of the downtown Mafia like Gunga Din. Vote “HELL no” on Proposition 1.

1 comment:

  1. Did you miss THIS one? Seems someone wants to sue Debbie Peterson, the state and some others over records requests...


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