Friday, October 21, 2011

Sometimes, I can even agree with Keith Olbermann: Jaime Herrera, one of the worst people in the world.

Regular readers now know of my outrage at the cardboard cutout of a congresswoman's cowardly efforts to hide her meeting with constituents in Centralia, an effort that, via Politico, caught the eye of Keith Olbermann, uber-fringe leftist hate monger.

Citing that Politco story, Olbermann blasted Ridgefield Barbie thusly:
Our runner-up? Tea party freshman Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler of the state of Washington. She conducted a town hall in Centralia, Washington on Monday, and tried to keep it a secret from her constituents.
Her communications director admits he called the local newspaper last week to ask them to not publish a notice about the Congresswoman’s town hall in her own district. He said Herrera Butler’s event was invitation only. This was so true that one couple called the congresswoman’s office and was told no town hall was scheduled.
In May, Herrera Beutler held a true town hall and got fricasseed by the voters angry over the Republican budget that would have crippled Medicare. Communications Director Casey Bowman said that the decision to keep a Congresswoman’s public appearance private was to prevent people from coming in and saying “whatever’s on their minds.” He added, “When word gets in the paper, you get a certain set of people.”
Yes! They’re called citizens! It’s one thing to be tone-deaf during your one term, Congresswoman. It’s another to be intentionally deaf to the voters by sticking your fingers in your ears.
This is proof that both the right.... and even the far-fringe, out of this solar system left can occasionally agree.  When their congresswoman is acting like a cowardly moron, it's not hard to have a meeting of the minds.

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