Friday, October 21, 2011

Democratian throws a fit for a Madore mailer: parses like Jon Russell about it.

So, a mailer goes out that blasts the current city council, political psycho Jeannie "Gavel Down" Harris and Mayor Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

It asks the rhetorical question: Want more of the same?

The rag, of course, writes like the people they support are paying them... there was a mistake on the date of the election, and the observation, wrongly challenged by the rag, that VANCOUVER has the highest unemployment in the state, certainly of any major city in Washington.

The rag points out that the election date is wrong... while completely overlooking their own website.

You know, this little tidbit?

See that?

This self-righteous sewer attacks the mailer... while THEY mislabel their endorsements for THIS election as if they were the LAST election's endorsements.

And their weak, irrelevant response on the unemployment rate, aimed at the observation that Vancouver... VANCOUVER has the highest unemployment in the state?
The latest revised unemployment figures show that four other counties had higher unemployment than Clark County, said Scott Bailey, regional economist for the Washington Employment Security Department.
I'm sorry.  I missed where the claim on the mailer indicated that CLARK COUNTY had the highest unemployment rate.

See, it never claimed that CLARK COUNTY DID. 

It said that VANCOUVER had the highest unemployment.  And nothing the rag printed here shows otherwise... unless they've mistaken the entirety of Clark County as equating to the City of Vancouver.

The biggest joke in the article is, of course, from those on the mailer... which once again reminds everyone of who they are in the run up to the NEXT elections...
Leavitt, who has often sparred with Madore, said he was turned off by the ads. He said they “smack of hypocrisy.”

“When you ascribe to Christian principles of ‘Treat others as you wish to be treated’ and ‘Speak the truth,’ the contradiction and hypocrisy is on display for everybody to observe,” the mayor said.
This from a slimeball who has publicly and repeatedly attacked Madore?

There's some hypocrisy goin' on around here, Liar... and like the stink of your corruption, emanates from YOU.

And then THIS joke from "Gavel Down":
Harris called the choice to use her image in the ads unfortunate.
“As a citizen, what I’m looking for in people who want to serve on city council are those that have the desire to work together productively for the good of the community to move Vancouver forward.“
THIS from arguably the biggest thug on the council?
Reading that from Harris made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Politically, Gavel Down and The Liar ARE the face of the city council.  And, of course, if they don't like it, they can always quit... because they damned sure won't be missed.

So, yeah... tying Smith, Hansen and McEnerny-Ogle to Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and Jeannie "Gavel Down" Harris is a solid political move that is absolutely accurate... since they all want to ram loot rail and a bridge we don't need or can afford and permanent tolls down our throat.

So, we can now expect editorial howls of outrage from Brancaccio and Laird... who have done far worse when you oppose THEM. Every hour on the hour, they will come after Madore like he was a child molester... because that's how those slime roll.

Just ask Peter Van Nortwick. Or Brent Boger.

Or me.

That the rag and the fringe leftists... and the Mayor... and Harris... have reacted so violently to this mailer speaks to its effectiveness.

In reality, the only mistake is a typo... on the date.  And, well, as the picture above shows, that can happen to the best of us.

Right, Lou?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Mr. Madore told it like it is and the people appreciate it. Thank you Mr Madore.


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