Wednesday, October 26, 2011

So, what happens when a Downtown Mafia, Identity Vancouver member finds out SHE is gonna get screwed by the CRC?

GREAT article in the democratian this morning.

The money quote?
Gillian Wallis wants to make it clear she’s not a Columbia River Crossing obstructionist. She’s not among those who are against light rail and tolls or wants a third bridge instead.

Then she's a total, blithering, idiot.

I'm reminded of that old quote:
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
She's not the first hypocrite to get nailed by her own inactivity.  And even after all that, she's such an example of the downtown "Hear, Speak, Say no evil" crowd that it's enough to make me sick.

And then, THIS nonsense:
But she does think that the decision to demolish the 1920 Lucky Lager building at Fourth and Columbia streets — the one she owns — to put in a parking garage for light-rail commuters was done without enough, if any, public input.

Public input?

There was NO public input.  On ANY of this.

Oh, I know there were the dog and pony shows, where opinions were sought out... and then promptly forgotten/ignored.

But the ONLY input that matters?  A vote of the people?

Nope.  Can't have that.

Well, Gillian, this here's my smallest violin.

I sincerely hope when the time comes to tear your building down that they do to you that which, up until now, you were silently advocating they do to us:

Financially screw you sideways.

To Gillian: this couldn't have happened to a nicer "guy."

And, as always, I advocate a little "whine" with that cheese.


  1. How long have we been trying to tell people like Gillian Wallis what this was going to cost everybody?

    She didn't care, perhaps thinking her wealth would increase, and sorry, but I have no sympathy now for her.

    Maybe she will wake up and join us in opposing this boondoggle, but somehow, I think all she wants to protect her own wealth.

  2. That sums it up neatly.

    Had a platoon sergeant once, who was fond of saying "if you're looking for sympathy, it's in the dictionary between 's%$t' and 'syphilis.'"

    I can think of no better saying that sums this up.

  3. I tried to support CRC. I read the documents, talked to the higher-ups, gave speeches supporting it, worked behind the scenes in a positive manner. I'm a Professional Engineer, attorney, accountant - and Democrat.

    None of the usual suspects would even talk to me - in fact, they ignored me into submission. There are a handful of elected officials that MUST be removed from office before anything reasonable happens on the bridge.


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