Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Campbell endorses Turlay, MO throws a snit, believes the voters are stupid.

Things are not going well for Ann McEnerny-Ogle, aka MO.

First, it seems the Hilton employee's Union just picked her through random chance.. kind of like winning the lottery... to drop a $32,000 check on her.  They must have done it because she has red hair color, because to hear her tell it, there can't be any other reason:
She vehemently denied being involved in any labor negotiations, including those with the Hilton Vancouver Washington, whose parent organization spent $32,557 last week to independently mail fliers on her behalf. She has not spoken to anyone with the Downtown Redevelopment Authority -- which approves the Hilton's budget -- or on the city council about the heated negotiations.

Second, it's pretty clear that she's an unhappy lil' trooper because of Campbell's endorsement:
McEnerny-Ogle said that Campbell's barbs at her were "absolutely negative and false." She said she had no clue as to what Campbell meant when he said she makes rash promises and plays people.
"I've made no promises other than working with community so that they would have a voice in the issues when making decisions. I don’t think that’s rash," McEnerny-Ogle said. "Play people -- that’s a volatile word. That’s a pretty ugly statement that I play people. I have never played people."
This tends to show a lack of maturity while re-enforcing her reputation as being a junior version of Jeanne "Gavel Down" Harris.

Until this endorsement, I was leaning towards MO pulling it off.  But this rash of bad publicity and her temper tantrum in the paper?

Now I lean the other way.

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