Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Actor Orlando Jones = True scumbag. Hey, Orlando... how would YOU like it if a conservative were to advocate that the president be assassinated?

The Jawa Report dishes:
Actor Orlando Jones: Liberals Need to Kill Sarah Palin
Actor Orlando Jones on Saturday celebrated the death of Libya's Moammar Gaddafi by taking to his Twitter account and calling for American liberals to kill Sarah Palin.

OJ_kill sarah palin.jpg

File this under assmaggots, again.
I'll take it a step further, scumbag: what if someone out there were to advocate that YOU be killed?

I bet you'd LOVE that.

I will walk in front of a moving Max train before I ever watch another program with this asshole in it.

1 comment:

  1. And if someone tweeted "kill Obama," how fast do you think it would take the Secret Service to bust down their door?

    This is the civility the left keeps calling for?


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