Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Smith military record kurfluffle.

When news of this hit, I thought I'd look the situation over and weigh in, since I'm the only Adjutant General officer in the area I know of, and take a look.

Here's the verbiage, apparently, in question:

Council Member Smith is a Distinguished Military Graduate (DMG) from the Clemson University Army ROTC Cadet Corps. He Accepted a Regular Army commission in May 1965. He also received a BA in history with a minor in sociology. In his military career, Council Member Smith served in six Army combat divisions in the United States, Germany, and South Korea. He has two combat tours in Vietnam, serving as a rifle platoon leader in the 173rd Airborne Brigade and later as a Commander of an airborne special operations company in the Central Highlands. His tours also include: an assignment in the Office of the Army Chief of Staff (Pentagon); Professor of Military Science and Leadership at the University of Washington; Operations Officer, US Army 75th Ranger Training Regiment; Aide de Camp to the Commander of the Army Test and Evaluation Command; and Commander of the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division (light Infantry).

Some of Council Member Smith's awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, nine Meritorious / Achievement medals, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (Bronze), Air Medal, Combat Infantryman's Badge, Ranger Tab, Pathfinder Badge, Master Parachutist Badge with over 500 military and civilian jumps, High Altitude Jump Badge and Army Staff Identification Badge. Council Member Smith is a graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College and the US Army War College (resident course).
I looked this over, first, with some awe.

This is a narrative about a serving, heroic, combat officer... no question about it. 

I, too, was a Distinguished Military Student, DMG and Regular Army selectee from the University of Washington.  I spent 9 years in Combat Arms, but the best I could do was an Expert Infantry Badge.  My record is nothing compared to Smith's.

There was a troubling aspect to Smith's recital, however. 

There are general officers who don't have a record this good.  So, I concluded that "something" happened.  And that "something" derailed a military career that was destined for what we called "STARdom," or ascension to the general officer ranks.

He had the assignments: combat and peace time... platoon leader... commander of a separate unit, commander of the 2/14INF, 10th Mountain...  Combat time, 173rd Airborne and that separate unit in the Central Highlands... Time as an Aide to a general, senior staff time on the 75th Rangers.... and this time was obviously successful time... or he wouldn't have gotten the schools that follow those kinds of commands... and he wouldn't have been at the resident course for the War College.

I've never heard of a general officer who didn't go to the War College.

The military is VERY big on medals, and buttons and tabs and badges.

Smith's award of the Silver Star makes him a genuine, bona fide war hero.  That one, they don't hand out like samples. (Unless you're John Kerry)

The qual badges, Master Airborne, Pathfinder, and Combat Infantry Badge... and the Army Staff Badge along with the Ranger Tab means that he has the collection of badges that make you qualified to become a general.

So... why ISN'T he a general?

I don't know if that's a bad thing or not.  Maybe it was a decision based on family considerations.

But to go from the War College to a dead end assignment like the 104th... that is just bizarre.  And taking it a step farther, wasn't there a little tiff going on in the Middle East?  Why wasn't then-COL Smith over in the sand box instead of greasing the skids for his new city job with fellow retired Army LTC Royce Pollard... Now Mayor?

No one ever asks to go to a backwater like that when you're a proven, hard charger.

His next move should have been at least a line division Brigade Command... and then he should have been on the BG list... likely, an early selection.

The so-called "long form" that's being asked about wouldn't have provided anything that the short form didn't have, except for the authority for his separation.  It's obviously honorable, but even a forced retirement wouldn't reveal anything.

So, what we've got here is someone (and no, that someone is not me) digging around.

I'm going to get Smith's record.  It will take me a couple of months, but I can get his record like I got most of David Hedricks.

But it will be long after the election is over.  And I hope and believe that Smith is everything he says he is, and his portrayal of his record is everything it should be.

I've made my position clear on Barnes.  I don't want him elected dog catcher, and I would still oppose him if NONE of Smith's record turns out to be true.

Likewise, I've made my position clear on Smith, who's political positions on being a complete lackey for CTrans and the massive, horrific waste of the CRC appear to be a bought and paid for exercise by the downtown Mafia/Identity Vancouver types infesting us all.

If only there were a 3rd possibility....

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