Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Need more proof that The One is a clueless, political idiot?

Our economy and foreign policy are in a shambles.

Unemployment in this country has a surreal quality to it.  We rarely actually SEE it.... it's kinda like being at war: if it weren't for the occasional mention in the newspaper, we'd hardly notice it.

We have a clown for President, an empty suited ego-maniac who has solved precisely NONE of the issues confronting us while burying us in debt... vaporizing hundreds of millions of dollars and burying this country in more and more trillions of debt.

Today's proof of his political idiocy?

Are you fricking kidding me?

If the slow-motion, agonizing  trainwreck we've become is a result of his "right" choices... I'd hate to see where we'd be if he'd screwed up.
Obama said: "I guarantee it's going to be a close election because the economy is not where it wants to be and even though I believe all the choices we've made have been the right ones, we're still going through difficult circumstances. That means people who may be sympathetic to my point of view still kind of feel like, yeah, but it still hasn't gotten done yet. This is going to be a close election and a very important one for the American people. The thing I hope the most is that everyone is going to be paying close attention to the debate that takes place because it could determine not just what happens over the next four years, but what'll happen over the next 20 or 30 years."

1 comment:

  1. I'd hate to see where'd we'd be if he'd screwed up too!

    (Definitely a glass-half-full vs. glass-half-empty situation.)


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