Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Democrats leaving the sinking Obama ship in droves.... reminiscent of rats.

Not unlike our own Ridgefield Barbie, Obama's tenure has been everything I thought it would be... KNEW it would be.... and less.

Obama's NOT campaigning efforts in states like Virginia, have been beset with problems from his fellow democrats.

While there may be no honor among thieves, there is certainly no honor among democrats.

How sad is this, from the the democrat Virginia State House Minority Leader?

You remember, don't you?  It was just a few short years ago when these same dems... like Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and his ilk, were endorsing and fawning all over this slimeball.

Well, relaity is sinking in... and these people want to get as far away, as fast as possible, from this clown and anything related to him.

Well, here's your sign, Mr. President.  When your own people arwe runninmg away from you?  When Pizza Man Herman Cain delivers a knockout in the polls, head to head with an incumbent presiodent, don't you think that maybe it's time for you to re-evaluate?  Tim,e to reconsider your fringe-left, far out of the mainstream policies and direction?

Nah.  You're too stupid, arrogant and self-centered to even remotely consider how much damage you have done and are doing to this country.

But your fellow democrats sure seem to have a clue.

In tight Virginia races, Democrats cutting ties to Obama

ROCKY MOUNT, Va. — Three years ago, Democrats in Virginia couldn’t get enough of Barack Obama — a popular, transformational figure running for his first term as president.
But as Obama arrives in Virginia Tuesday for a two-day swing to promote parts of his jobs plan, some Democrats are distancing themselves from him — even in supposedly blue Northern Virginia.
Less than a month before critical legislative elections, several Democratic legislators say they have reservations about the president and will not commit to supporting him next year. At least one longtime state senator has announced he will not vote for Obama in 2012.
“He’s frustrating me, just like he’s frustrating others out there,’’ said Sen. Linda T. “Toddy” Puller, a Democrat who faces Republican Jeff Frederick in a tough reelection campaign in Fairfax and Prince William counties.
House Minority Leader Ward L. Armstrong (D), who is fighting for reelection after Republicans eliminated his district during redistricting, released a TV ad in response to an attempt by his Republican opponent, Del. Charles D. Poindexter, to tie him to Obama in the Southside district.

For the democrats, this kind of thing is horrific.  It's starting to look like Obama is doing his very, very best to cause a GOP tsunami for 2012.

Of course, GOP competence has never been particularly something to brag about... so, keep your powder dry, folks.

After all, if there's a way for the GOP to screw this up, they'll find it and exploit it to the maximum effect.

I'm reminded of that every time I ponder the disaster that is our own member of Congress.

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