Sunday, October 09, 2011

"Occupy" this: Fringe-left whackjobs infest; check out these "lunatics in Atlanta." (From "Chicks on the Right.")

Had enough, yet?

The money quote:

"Into this surreal and oppressive environment, Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights hero and icon of American leftism, came to speak as has so often done at left-wing rallies and events in Atlanta. He is practically worshiped in Democrat circles, and was visibly stunned to see these Marxists turn him away. It was reminiscent of previous Marxist revolutions in history when those who ignorantly supported the revolutionaries are, over time, purged and rejected for the “good of the collective”, when their usefulness has expired.”
The fringe left nut jobs just can't seem to get it:

When you're a useful tool for the left, you're all that.  But when they can stick you in the landfill?

Locally, one of the better examples was the election where fringe-left Republican former state senator Don Carlson lost to Craig Pridemore, who inexplicably dumped his cushy county commissioner gig that paid over twice as much for the hassle of being in the state senate.

Carlson, a retired teacher, carried the Washington Education Association's water like Gunga Din for years in the legislature.

Among other abortions he's responsible for, the nonsensical, multi-million dollar waste of in-state tuition for illegal aliens.
The example?

In this election, when the neo-communists of the WEA smelled that their leftist buddies could take over the senate, they tossed Carlson, a RETIRED TEACHER, under so many buses HE should have changed his name to "CTran," by endorsing Pridemore.

Carlson did EVERYTHING for those clowns... and they endorsed his opponent.

Well, here's an example more suitable to the national scene... an example that shows where the tools are disposed of when found to be no longer useful:

If You Thought The Wall Street Protesters Were Crazy, Wait’ll You Get A Load Of The Lunatics In Atlanta

Written by  //  October 9, 2011  //  Hippies Smell  //  16 Comments

From the source description:
Many curious citizens and media outlets came to the first Occupy Atlanta event, and were visible shocked and confused by the consistent Marxism employed by the group. People abandoned their individuality and liberty to be absorbed into a hypnotizing collective. The facilitator made it clear that he was not a “leader” and that everyone was completely equal; words often spoken by leftists, but in this case they actually applied their philosophy. Into this surreal and oppressive environment, Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights hero and icon of American leftism, came to speak as has so often done at left-wing rallies and events in Atlanta. He is practically worshiped in Democrat circles, and was visibly stunned to see these Marxists turn him away. It was reminiscent of previous Marxist revolutions in history when those who ignorantly supported the revolutionaries are, over time, purged and rejected for the “good of the collective”, when their usefulness has expired.”
Unreal. And the parroting and finger waving is just uber creepy. Seriously the weirdest protest ever.


Lew said...

Lewis left, still in support of these loons

Congressman John Lewis at Occupy Atlanta

"I support the protesters in New York and here," Lewis told CL before leaving Woodruff Park. "It is the right time and the right place to be... It is the will of the people. When I was young we did similar actions. It is grassroots democracy at its best. I think something good will come of the moment."

Sad that a man of Lewis' stature and intelligence cannot see how is being used, and cast aside

Lew said...

Another video of the denying Lewis' speaking.

Occupy Atlanta Turns Away John Lewis

Take note of the expressions on the faces of several Black participants sitting around as these White People silence a Black Civil Rights Icon.