Thursday, October 13, 2011

More idiocy from the democratian: whining against I-1125.

Everything they've said here are huge reasons to vote "yes" on this initiative.

This rag is so far out of touch with this community and country that they might as well be located in Ulan Bator.
In a joke of a paper, this column is a laugh riot.  The money quote?
If you dislike tolls, you’re not alone. We’re not too fond of them, either. But even more unacceptable is for someone in Clark County to have to pay for a new floating bridge in Seattle because no tolls were imposed on that project. And remember, when tolls are applied on a new Interstate 5 bridge, nonresident through drivers from distant places will share in our tolling burden.
The joke here is that the absolute reverse would be true: King County taxpayers would be subsidizing this construction down HERE.

Combine that with the fact that the phrase: "If you dislike tolls, you’re not alone. We’re not too fond of them, either," is an out and out lie, and you begin to see the true picture.

The scum at the democratian has been rabid in their support of tolls.  First, they would collectively sell their own mothers into white slavery to get loot rail into Vancouver, no matter how much it costs... and that ain't happening without these $1300 per year or so tolls for each commuter... yet ANOTHER number they oh-so-conveniently leave out of their Goebbelian propaganda.

Second, NONE of these scum would have to pay the tolls they so strongly advocate for the rest of us.


The reeking lies of omission, their total lack of concern on the long term, local economic impacts as $100,000,000 or so in disposable income on local small business vaporizes as that money is shifted into tolls for this project they want so badly... The damage the 65,000 or so commuting families will have to sustain.. the horrific, $10 billion cost of this project to replace a bridge that IS ALREADY PAID FOR... the lies, the doublespeak, the tens of millions wasted on consultants who don't want you to know why... or for what; a level of idiocy rarely seen as this despicable rag carries the water for their fellow travelers in the downtown mafia and identity Vancouver.
Why they have to lie in support of their project is, well, just beyond belief. But it stands as yet another... and another... and another... reason to rise up and to help kill this CRC scam by voting in I-1125, when little else will provide us with any opportunity to have a voice in this gigantic rip off.

I'd vote for this a dozen times if I could... because we are so rarely given the opportunity to stick it to those who want to keep us silent... like the CRC, CTrans, the Vancouver city council and our county commission... the way they want to stick it to us.

Vote "yes" on I-1125.

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