Thursday, October 13, 2011

Unfortunately, Elizabeth Hovde has yet to recover from her serious head injury.

Head injuries can be very tough to recover from.

Serious head injuries, like the kind suffered by Elizabeth Hovde, can impact thought and mental processes for years, if not permanently, and clearly, Hovde's mental acuity has been negatively impacted by her recent struggle to recover from her injury.

That can be the only explanation for her bizarre column of babble concerning the CRC, the bridge, and loot rail.

Hovde, the token (and apparently, quite fake) conservative columnist for the local democratian for many years, has apparently lost what is left of her mind.

She actually views replacing the paid-for and perfectly functional I-5 Bridge and saddling the 65,000 commuters in SW Washington with the debt from a $10 billion (in costs... and interest) waste of money that will result in permanent tolls of at least $1300 per year for the commuting public... a stunning cost added to the Oregon income tax that is charged to these same commuters for the privilege of working in Oregon.

And as a result of her stupidity, she believes this must become a political issue in the next PORTLAND Mayor's race (As you know damned well it's going to be in the next Vancouver mayoral race) and that any of those candidates OPPOSED to this scam should be run over by a bus... rhetorically speaking, of course.

Whether or not her failure to address THE most important element of this scam... the actual COST to be borne by the taxpayers who have to foot the bill for this crap.

Democrats, who never miss the opportunity to screw the taxpayer, are giddy at her propaganda.  Those who actually have to PAY for this massive and unconscionable waste of money?  Not so much.
Elizabeth Hovde Editorial on I-5 Bridge

"CRC should be endorsed by every person" - Link Oregonian 10/09

Like most leftists, Hovde actually believes that she should tell others how to live and what to do:
A re-created I-5 bridge might be an issue in the Portland mayor's race. It should be. It's always helpful to have at least one no-brainer issue that helps you support or think twice about a candidate. Candidates who are not on board with some version of a new I-5 bridge need their candidacy to be looked at sideways
Sort of a bizarre position to take... since like most of the moronic CRC cheerleaders, she doesn't either live in Portland... OR have to PAY for the bridge in question by going there every day.  And she certainly doesn't have a vote in the race she's spewing about.
Hopefully, at some point, Hovde will actually recover from the obviously massive brain damage she's suffered, and rejoin the real world.

Because it's fairly clear that hasn't happened yet.

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