Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's time for Israel to flatten Iran, since we lack the balls to do it.

So, you believe that Iran is just a friendly ol' bear in the Middle East, their President is just a slightly confused guy and the Iranians really are blowing a fortune on nuclear power because, well, they NEED it... threats to blow Israel off the face of the earth notwithstanding.

If the US had shown strength since the ascension of The One, I have to wonder if any of this would be happening.

No country on earth fears us: the laughingly moronic effort by Iran to discredit the US via their assassination plot being a clear proof of that, particularly when you add that fact to the one where they are directly responsible for the deaths and maimings of thousands of Americans in Iran and Afghanistan... and all for free...

So, it's time to unleash a country the world DOES fear... to let them do that which, at some point, they are going to have to do anyway:

Destroy Iran's nuclear capability.

SOMEBODY has to do it.

And it's not going to be us.

We no longer have the spine.


  1. When it means enough to go to war, I have no problem with nuking Iran. But a failed assassination? Holding hikers in prison? Nutty leadership? Future wrong-doing?

    "Speak softly but carry a big stick."

  2. The problem, Martin, is that when it comes to Iran, we're speaking softly... and not carrying ANY stick.

    How many times have we looked back at, say, Hitler... and thought.... "Gee, if only we had stepped in the first time he... _______________," or "What if the world had been united and stood up to Japan after they invaded Manchuria ion 37... or after they shot the crap out of a clearly marked US Navy gunboat, also in 37?"

    Iran has made their aims clear. Play time is over. If Israel doesn't act, they will be faced with a nuclear-armed Iran who likely will have no problem nuking the entirety of Israel... never mind that it would kill most of the Palestinians and others in the area in the process.

    And when that happens, we'll look that situation over and say, "Gee.... if only we had___________"

    And your list left out the fact that Iranians are responsible, directly and indirectly, for the killing and wounding of thousands of American soldiers.

    That, by itself, is an act of war.

    So, every day they push the envelope.

    And every day, they get stronger.... and we get weaker.... with hundreds of billions of dollars of cuts on the leftist table in Defense starring us in the eye.

    Somebody much smarter than I once commented on the process of repeating history if we forget it. "Doomed" was the word.... and I find it's use strangely appropriate.


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