Friday, October 14, 2011

RINO Rob McKenna does it again: OPPOSES I-1125, the tolling initiative.


I wonder if Mike The Mover is running again next year, because if he is.... he gets my vote.

McKenna is a political wuss.

His stellar effort to date in joining the lawsuit to get rid of the Nazi-Obamacare requirement that we all buy medical insurance is an important milestone and a great platform to build a candidacy from.

But his stances in support of unions (No, Mr Attorney General, public employee collective bargaining is NOT a "right")  his opposition to Gov Walker's efforts in Wisconsin (referring to those efforts as "terrorizing the unions") his support now-SEIU lobbyist Luke Esser's re-election to state party chair, his fear of the tribes, illustrated in his bogus decision to blow off Clark County in their lawsuit over the Cowlitz organized crime casino, and now his moronic, Bellevue Mafia opposition to I-1125, the effort to kill the idiotic tolling process the legislature has now implemented, and a major hit to the CRC.

Please note that each of the positions listed above dovetail nicely with the democrat party's positions.

Tell me again why any Republican should support this clown?

I know I will NOT vote for him for anything... ever.

Why get a fake democrat when we can get the real thing?


  1. So far, I only know of Shahram Hadian who is stepping up to vie for the nomination.

    He will be here Tuesday, Oct. 18 from 7 to 9 PM at a meet & greet at US Digital.

    And, in case anybody wonders, that does not make his a Madore candidate. He is going to do a video interview for earlier and a meeting room was offered for the meet & greet in the evening.

    This is just to get to know him and see what has to offer since he is unknown down here.

  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Why? Because the alternative is Inslee, he is a snake and will continue the path this state is going down, financial ruin.


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