Saturday, October 29, 2011

FedEx screw ups.

Many are legendary... mine?

Not so much, but a screw up, never the less.

I don't drink or smoke.  In fact, coffee is pretty much my only vice.

I go through a great many coffee makers... so the expense adds up.  Made the decision to buy a commercial grade Bunn coffee set up that brews into thermal carafes... a little spendier up front, but longer lasting.

It was supposed to be delivered today.

The guy shows up, drops off nothing, and leaves a sticker on the door, notifying FedEx that
Customer not available or business closed 
Well, of course I was here.  I was working on my deck in back of my house... he MUST have heard the noise... and we heard a car door slam.  We believed it to be a friend of ours coming over to help, because the thought never occurred to us that with a driveway full of cars and making more noise than a steel factory the simple idiot wouldn't either walk around the house or leave the damned package at the door.... but NOOOOOO.  As a result, we didn't run around the house to see who it was.

So, a few minutes after I hear the door slam with nobody coming around back, we checked out front of the house and there was no one there.  My wife asked,"do you think that might have been FedEx?"  So I went out front to the porch this time and checked... and all there was was a small sticker on the door.  This was, oh, maybe 4 minutes after we heard the car door slam.

So, I immediately get on line and I check the package status, and, sure enough... the insert above is what it showed.

Well, I immediately got on the phone to FedEx... and was told that this clown wasn't a FedEx employee, he was a contractor, and as a result, he didn't have a terminal in his vehicle and could only be told to turn around and bring the package back if he happened to call in... and the moment that idiot said that, I knew it wasn't going to happen.

THEN, I am told, well, gee: their "delivery cycle" was "Tuesday through Saturday."

That means, through no fault of my own, the package I paid for will now not get here until Tuesday... and I am obviously going to be held prisoner until this moron actually delivers it.

What a crock.

Lesson learned, however: I will dive into a vat of boiling hydrochloric acid before I ever use FedEx again.

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